GameSpot Video Games, PC, Revolution, PlayStation 2, GameCube, PSP, DS, GBA, PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

GameSpot - Get the Buzz Going

A leading online source for gaming information, GameSpot is visited by more than 1 millioną gamers every day. GameSpot's Web sites offer free access to tens of thousands of its expert editors' PC and video game reviews as well as game downloads, video streams, guides, breaking news, hints, and previews of the hottest upcoming games. GameSpot also has an active online gaming community, making it fun and easy for gamers to meet and interact with others who share their specific gaming interests.

  • Attracts and retains one of the Web's largest concentrations of the coveted 13- to 34-year-old male demographic
  • Builds robust advertising efficiencies by reaching a large and loyal audience
  • Offers innovative marketing solutions aligned with highly sought-after content

To learn more, please complete and submit the form below. A CNET Games & Entertainment representative will contact you to discuss how you can reach this valuable audience.




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CNET Games & Entertainment: Fueling Passions

Born of the Internet, our category-leading sites - GameSpot, MP3.com, and TV.com - deliver authentic brands that resonate deeply with each category's most enthusiastic fans.

By delivering robust content and energetic communities focused on games, music, and television, CNET Games & Entertainment properties attract passionate consumers and help them make meaningful connections with the people, products, and marketers that matter most.

And best of all for advertisers, our sites offer innovative, integrated marketing solutions to help connect your brand with our youthful, engaged audience of 18- to 34-year-old entertainment consumers.

For more information, please visit our online media kit, or complete and submit the form above.

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