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This article is about the month. For the Russian film, see October: Ten Days That Shook The World.

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days.

October begins (astrologically) with the sun in the sign of Libra and ends in the sign of Scorpio. Astronomically speaking, the sun begins in the constellation of Virgo and ends in the constellation of Libra.

The name is from the Latin Word "octo" for "eight". October was the eighth month in the Roman calendar until a monthless winter period (summer in the southern hemisphere) was divided between January and February.

October, from the Très riches heures du duc de Berry
October, from the Très riches heures du duc de Berry


Other names

  • In Czech, October is called říjen. The origin of this name is in the deer's belling in this month.
  • A traditional Dutch name for October is Wijnmaand (wine month) because the first wines of the year have ripened.
  • In Finnish, October is called lokakuu, meaning "month of dirt".
  • In Scottish Gaelic, October is called an Damhar, meaning "rutting time" (of stags).
  • In Irish, October is called Deireadh Fómhair, meaning "end of harvest-time".
  • In Turkish, October is called Ekim, meaning "sowing" because of the sowing of wheat.
  • In the old Japanese calendar, the month is called Kan'na dzuki (神無月), meaning the absence of god.


  • October begins on the same day of the week as January in common years.

See also

External link

October: Poetry, Quotations, Folklore

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