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At home and away, keep your valuable documents safe with powerful AES-128 encryption. FileVault automatically encrypts and decrypts the contents of your home directory on the fly.

Real security comes from knowing nobody can rifle through your files without your permission. FileVault uses the latest government security standard to safeguard your hard work. It protects all the info in your home folder from prying eyes, so your trade secrets stay secret, your holiday shopping lists are kept safe and your personal finance records remain protected.

Security in System Preferences

Homeland Security

FileVault secures your home directory by encrypting its entire contents using the Advanced Encryption Standard with 128-bit keys. This high-performance algorithm automatically encrypts and decrypts in real time, so you don’t even know it’s happening.

Master Password

With security that strong, you don’t want to lose your key. Company administrators can set up a computer-wide master password as a safeguard in the event someone forgets his or her login password. This can be useful for computer or system administrators whose users either forget their passwords or in corporate situations where an employee is no longer with the company and the data left behind needs to be recovered.


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