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You don’t have to be a scientist to know that the computer of the future will talk, listen and understand. That computer of the future is the Apple Macintosh of today. Apple’s Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis Technologies now give speech-savvy applications the power to carry out your voice commands and even speak back to you in plain English.


Speak Up

Apple Speech Recognition lets your Macintosh understand what you say, giving you a new dimension for interacting with and controlling your computer by voice. You don’t even have to train it to understand your voice, because it already understands you, from your very first word. You can speak naturally, without pausing or stopping. Apple’s leadership in speech recognition technology makes it possible by bringing a whole new dimension to the user interface: speech. Combined with VoiceOver, speech synthesis will help turn the graphical user interface into a vocal user interface.

Chess icon

Chess Mate

And just for fun, the chess game included with Mac OS X lets you move pieces without lifting a finger. Just say “pawn e7 to e8 promoting to queen” and raise yourself up in the ranks.


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