1st Marine Expeditionary Force

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The 1st Marine Expeditionary Force is a MAGTF of the United States Marine Corps based around the 1st Marine Division. Among Marines, it is common to pronounce I MEF as "eye mef", "first mef", or "one mef".



  • Activated November 8th, 1969 at Okinawa, Japan as the "I Marine Expeditionary Force"
  • Redesignated August 18th, 1970 as the "I Marine Amphibious Force"
  • Relocated in April 1971 to Camp Pendleton, California
  • Redesignated February 5th, 1988 as the "I Marine Expeditionary Force"

Recent Service

Persian Gulf War


  • Somalia - December 1992 - May 1993


Iraq War

Notable Members

External links

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