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Meet the world’s most advanced operating system. Instantly find what you’re looking for. Get information with a single click. Mac OS X Tiger delivers 200+ new features which make it easier than ever to find, access and enjoy everything on your computer. Whether that machine is Intel- or PowerPC-based, you’ll enjoy 21st century innovations before anyone else. Stay ahead of the curve with Mac OS X.

Spotlight in the Finder

Spotlight. Experience the breakthrough new desktop search technology that finds anything on your computer as quickly as you type. Search your entire system from one place: Files, images, emails, contacts, calendars and applications appear instantly.

Start a Revolution on Your Desktop

Mac OS X Tiger will change the way you use a computer. Breakthrough search technology, stunning graphics and media, unparalleled connectivity, an intuitive user interface and a virtual toolbox chock full of cleverly integrated features — all atop a rock-solid UNIX foundation — give you the most innovative, stable and compatible desktop operating system on the planet. Period.

Spotlight menu

Find Anything, Fast

Tiger introduces Spotlight, the lightning-fast search technology that illuminates every corner of your Mac, displaying results as fast as you type. Search everything on your system: Files, emails, contacts, images, movies, calendars and applications appear instantly. Just as you find songs on iTunes by name, artist or album, Spotlight results take you way beyond mere filename and location: They include all the metadata inside files — the “what, when and who” of everything on your Mac — including the kind of content, the author, edit history, format, size and many more details.

Address Book and Mail icons

Organize Instantly

Because Spotlight is built right into the core of Mac OS X, it automatically updates results whenever files change, giving you countless new ways to organize your Mac. Save search results as a Smart Folder that automatically updates itself. Set up Smart Mailboxes according to Spotlight search queries and Mail files away your messages for you. Create Address Book Smart Groups using Spotlight search results. Even drag and drop Spotlight searches into new Automator Workflows to automate repetitive tasks. Everything on your Mac gets a chance to shine.

Dashboard icon

Get Info in a Dash

The new Dashboard hosts nifty mini-applications called widgets that appear instantly and keep you up to date with timely information from the Internet. View stocks, check weather forecasts, track flights, convert currency and units of measure, even look up businesses in the phone book. Similar to Exposé, the Dashboard zooms across your Desktop at the click of a function key. Your favorite widgets appear with up-to-the-second information, then disappear just as easily, so you can get back to what you were doing.

Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard. Zooming to the top of your Desktop with the click of a function key, Dashboard, like Exposé, disappears just as easily. Use Dashboard to access nifty new mini-applications called widgets.

Make a Connection

Tiger turns your Mac into a communications hub. Safari RSS for Tiger features built-in RSS feed detection and display. Mail and Address Book incorporate Spotlight technology to help you organize your contacts and correspondence. And iChat AV lets you video conference, audio chat or send instant messages with friends and colleagues. Add a .Mac account and make the most of Tiger connectivity with iDisk storage, a email address, your own home page and powerful syncing capability.

VoiceOver Accessibility InterfaceFeature of the Week: VoiceOver Accessibility Interface

VoiceOver screenshot

Your Mac Speaks Up

Mac OS X Tiger includes a variety of accessibility features. The most vocal of these features is VoiceOver, which offers visually impaired individuals magnification options, keyboard controls and a spoken English description of what’s happening on screen. VoiceOver can read web pages, Mail messages and word processing files. And it’s available out of the box. Just press Command-F5 for the VoiceOver QuickStart.

Learn more about VoiceOver Accessibility Interface.

Work Well with Others

Mac OS X Tiger boasts better compatibility than any other desktop operating system. Share files with Windows users, connect to any network and communicate automatically with other Macs using Bonjour technology. Mac OS X Tiger is compatible with different users, too. VoiceOver and Universal Access assist people who have difficulty using a computer, while Mac OS X for the Family gives parents greater control over how their kids use the Mac. And thanks to its solid UNIX foundation, Tiger offers a powerful security architecture that protects your data from prying eyes.

QuickTime icon

See the Difference

From its PDF-based Quartz windowing system to QuickTime 7 featuring the pristine H.264 video codec to Colorsync, Core Audio and Core Image technologies, Mac OS X Tiger pushes the envelope of desktop graphics and media. Whether you create, develop or simply enjoy audio and video, Tiger makes the ideal virtual studio.

Automator icon

Do It All

Experience Mac OS X Tiger for yourself and see how it changes the way you work, play, search and share on a Mac. Can’t find what you need? Spotlight makes fruitless searches a thing of the past. Think you can’t write an automated script? Try Automator and think again. Want to share media with friends and family? Tiger’s integrated features make it simple. In fact, Tiger offers a feature for every reason you use a computer and then some.


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