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India during World War II

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The Indian National Congress led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was opposed to Fascism, Nazism and colonialism. Gandhi, in an open letter to Adolf Hitler, preached for tolerance.

The Indian stance

The Congress pointed out the inherent contradiction in the Brits' argument of going to war for the sake of freedom, since India was denied that same freedom. The Congress refused to actively take part in the war. India would only take part in the war if independence was granted. Another school of thought led by Subhash Chandra Bose of the Indian National Army (INA) allied itself with the Axis based on the principle that "An enemy's enemy is a friend" rather than ideology. The Axis powers recognised the INA as the legitimate rulers of India.

The British government meanwhile sent Indian troops to fight in West Asia and northern Africa against the Axis. India was also made into a nation to produce essential goods such as food and uniforms. Ores were mined to support the war much to the consternation of Indians. Pre-Independence India provided the largest "volunteer" force (1.2 million) of any nation during World War II. As a result of Japanese invasion of Burma and the prioritising of military over civilian, a mass famine occurred in Bengal, with 3 million people starving to death in 1943.

Capture of Indian territory

By 1942, neighbouring Burma was invaded by Japan. By then it had already captured the Indian Andaman and Nicobar Islands. India was now faced with a hostile enemy at its gates. As a major possession of the United Kingdom, Japan looked to invade India and stamp out the economy which had so far fueled the Allies. Japan ceded the Andaman and Nicobar islands to the INA on October 21, 1943. In March 1944, Japan made an invasion into India's eastern borders and moved as far as taking Kohima in Nagaland. Japan also bombed the cities of Vishakapatnam and Madras.

Recapture of Axis occupied territory

Meanwhile the Japanese were facing stiff resistances in the Pacific front. Hence they moved their troops eastwards leaving the INA to defend the captured Indian territory. Harsh weather and disease also took its toll on the Japanese. In 1944, a resurgent United Kingdom recaptured the INA occupied lands. Later that year Japan surrendered.

By 1945 the war had ended. Indians pressed the British for independence as they had earlier promised. On August 15, 1947, India was declared a free nation.

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