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I cut a few categories as they seem to better fall as subcategories, e.g. I did not understand why testing was separated from "standardized testing" already at this level. Same with "tax credit" vs. "policy". Nevertheless, I did not cut anything that has already had a link.

Pleaese review. I do not claim this is the ultimate right division. Just a wee more understandable to me.

I'm not sure what to call the idea of formal catechesis - it must be under 'Formal Education', but what's the name? I thought about: [Religious education|Catechetical and Denominational Education] {I'm using one square bracket intentionally}. This is (a) different from most of those categories of formal education but (b) incredibly important - just think of the number of literacy classes that are purely aimed at Scripture/Koran reading.

Probably Religious education could fall into a category (it is a matter of content, not a matter of system)? As for Early reading instruction, I though Early instruction is more general and indeed worth separating (esp. that this section is not overpopulated

Please note that there is an important distinction between informal and non-formal education. The latter can be regarded as half way between formal and informal education and plays an important part in most countries, especially within adult education. Non-formal education is education with no exams or degrees. It often takes place in schools, where the pedagogy is based on participatory and / or experimental learning. Topics and approaches are often decided in dialogue between teachers and learners. The german 'volkshochschulen', the english 'open university' or the nordic 'folkehøjskole' are examples of non-formal education. The Danish philosopher, clergyman, historian, poet and educationalist Grundtvig is one of the most important inspirators of non-formal education. He should indded be on your list of great educationalists. ---

Should we mention that the word comes from the latin e-ducare meaning "leading people away from". There is a fairly strong tradition in education and religion that it isn't all about exposing people to things but also about guiding them away from them (talk)--BozMo 20:03, 10 May 2004 (UTC)

Prominent educationalists

Is the list of Prominent educationalists really pertinent to this article AnyFile 13:54, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Formal education internationalization

The Formal education section show the US and similar way and name scheme. Other nation use different scheme (but in my opinion is hard to give an complete list of all the possibilities) AnyFile 13:57, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)

The article is little more than a list of links anyway, so anything you can add would help! But these titles (primary, secondary, tertiary education) fit with other systems too, they are used by UNESCO's International Standard Classification of Education [1] ( - or were you thinking of something else? Saintswithin 16:17, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)

list of education topics

That article is conspicuously missing from Wikipedia. Michael Hardy 03:41, 20 Mar 2005 (UTC)

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