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Irreligion or irreligiousness is the absence of religious belief. Although people classified as irreligious do not follow a religion, it does not necessarily imply a lack of belief in the supernatural or in deities; such a person may be a non-religious or non-practicing theist. In particular, those who associate negative connotations with "religion" or see it only as "organized religion" often hold spiritual beliefs despite describing themselves as irreligious.

Statistics by country

Country Percentage stating they have no religion Source
New Zealand 32.0% of the 85.9% of the population adequately answering a question on religion. Statistics New Zealand (2001 census) [1]
Australia 17.5% of the 88.3% of the population choosing to answer a question on religion. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2001 census) [2]
United Kingdom 16.8% of the 92.7% of the population choosing to answer a question on religion. UK National Statistics (2001 census) [3]
Canada 16.2% Canada 2001 Census [4]
South Africa 15.1% Statistics South Africa Census 2001[5]
United States 15.0% of the 94.6% of those choosing to answer a question on religion, based on a survey of 50,281 households in 48 out of 50 states. American Religious Identification Survey (2001) (as reported by US Census Bureau [6])
Ireland 3.53% Central Statistics Office Ireland Census 2002[7]

See also

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