Sunday, January 08, 2006 - Posts

Egomaniacal Ravings....

Every now and then, I feed my ego by finding out who links back to my own blog. Since I don’t command a Scobelesque size audience, I don’t get a phenomenal amount of hits (yet) so I have to come up with ways to keep me interested in blogging. The best way is to pump myself up by checking my logs to see who links back to any post I have made.


Remarkably, the most active post I have made in the past few days has nothing to do with Microsoft (and you just might get a post later this week on why this is a good thing and yet another post on why it sucks).


Nathan Wienberg over at BlogNewsChannel …. Linked back to me and called me out by name. Angry or not,  as far as I know, outside of my co-workers, that is the first time someone has taken the time to type my name in as a part of a blog post and it jazzed me to no end. There is a certain amount of head swelling that comes with that, but I am not going to let it get to me. All I am going to say is say……thank you, Nathan. It made my evening to see my name on someone else’s posting.




Using the Samsung i730 as a BlueTooth Modem...

One of the downsides of traveling a lot is having to pay the exorbitant fees for Internet Access at hotels. Most charge $10/day though they will discount to $50/wk in some cases. The better (imho) hotels give it away for free (most Marriott Courtyards for instance). I have been looking for a supported means of using my Samsung i730, Bluetooth (to un-tether me from wires) and the fast Verizon EVDO network to circumvent using hotel networks. To date I have not found a “supported” method so today I took a chance on a hack. I am glad I did.

I am currently connected via BT to my i730, cruising the net, doing my email, and browsing…..and I am doing all of this with noticeably faster page loads than the hotel network was providing me (it would be even faster if it weren't for the BT bottleneck). In fact, the hotel I am in only allows for WiFi connections and can’t seem to provide that with any consistently. Their network dropped me a ½ dozen times before I successfully found, read about, and installed the hack.

So this post comes to you via my new BT/EVDO connection as per this posting over at They also have a nice running FAQ on the i730 and many other phones as well if you have never checked them out.

***Disclaimer*** This isn’t supported by anyone that I know of so take the necessary precautions.  





Mind the Gap in Munich....

I went to the movies with some co-workers last night to see Munich. I am not up on the history of the events from the hostage crisis at the 1972 Olympics so I can’t speak to the accuracy of the film in the respect. But I was surprised that the guys that check for “time period correctness” didn’t catch the “Mind the Gap” poster on the wall of a bar in one scene (if I recall correctly the scene is about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through…..which means 1.5 to 2 hours in….it is a good, long movie). It was the classic blue circle and red bar poster you see all over London these days.

I did a search on the web to see if anyone else has mentioned this and I was really surprised that no on else has reported this. I know there are websites that specialize in these type of continuity issues. I will update this post with some links to some if I can locate them later this week.

Explanation of the term Mind the Gap.   Ettiquette on the Underground (or the subway….or the Tube”


A Finnish Time Warp....

I picked this up from WFMU’s Beware of the Blog…….

It would appear that the Fins have stopped time somewhere in the late 70’s and this video proves it. The music is bad, the hair is bad, the clothing is worse.

I think it is time to activate one of the many bazillion dollar ideas that I came up with in the late 70’s and early 80’s while hanging out at the clubhouse with the guys and a certain green friend of ours. One day we were contemplating the current (and sad) state of pop music and how much we hated disco. I popped of with something like (details are extremely fuzzy)…..“Dudes……<exhale>……in the year 2000, I am gonna make some T-shirts that, like, say ‘Disco Still Sucks’……”

I think it is time to put that plan into action… least in Finland…..



Windows Live Messenger Beta available...

I don’t use IM as much as I did say 5 years ago. So I don’t get too excited when new IM products come out. But I know other people do so i wanted to make sure everyone knows about the Windows Live Messenger Beta.

I just loaded it up on my machine simply enough and had access to all of my existing contacts immediately. I still get toasts notifying me of email on my Hotmail account and I can IM people. So the things *I* need are there.

I encourage you to play around with the other advanced features if you want to know more….



Now these are small Media Center Cases....

I have yet to build a small form factor MCE machine. I want to so I keep my eyes open for appealing, small cases. These are some of the better looking ones I have run across. The down side with these cases is always the lower wattage PSU’s though. nI am still waiting for some enterprising company to provide a 400 watt PSU in a small case that won’t overheat, looks good, and expandable.

I’m not asking for much…..

