

There are also 42 stories about design that have not made it to the front page yet. Digg for stories to bring them to the top.

How to convert your photoshop document to a CSS in less than 30 seconds

As a webdesigner you’re working a lot with photoshop and now you would like to convert your psd (or jpg, png, whatever photoshop can read) files to a valid CSS and (X)HTML document with just a few clicks ? If you want to know how to do it, everything is explained step by step with proper screen captures just in case ;)

Amazing Photos of China

Forget everything you think you know about China and take a couple minutes to ponder these images. Few people in the Western world know about the hidden beauty of China. Well..... of course it helps to have an ace photographer who can capture this land of enchantment as no other has. But these are some truly inspiring photos.

Handy CSS layout generator for web developers

Someone on IRC pointed me to this CSS generator, and the number of options and output are impressive. The ability to have verbose comments in the CSS is a nice way to learn what browser hacks are being implemented (and gives you an easy way to pull them out if you like). I can take no credit for this tool, so props to the appropriate party...

New sleeping bag means you never have to get out of bed again!

A great new sleeping bag designed so you never have to get out of beg again. I would also suspect it's great for those freezing cold mornings when I'm camping and the sun isn't up yet.

Where Did FireFox Come From?

An interesting look at the history of the hot browser that is chipping away at IE's browser market share.

CSS Navigation Magnification

This is an awesome experiment/technique to make an HTML list magnify like the Dock in OS X using only CSS. Code and examples given to use on your own site.

CSS Positioning

To use CSS for layout effectively, it helps to know how it's used to position page content. This article gives an overview of the methods and rules that govern visual rendering in the CSS2 specification. It also points out some things to watch out for.

Create pixel art like a pro

There are other pixel tutorials around, but I find them to be overly complicated and too wordy. In this 10-step tutorial, I'll teach you how to create a "sprite", which is a stand-alone two-dimensional character or object. The term comes from video games, of course.

Over 300 very popular Movie, TV Show, and Book Title Fonts

Check these out. You can download any of them that you want for free, and they're pretty cool.

2.0Culture - How to design Web 2.0 look-a-like websites

A comprehensive summary of design issues on Web 2.0 web design. This one is focusing on a design related point of view instead of the usual Ajax / Web2.0 API approach. Basic, yet highly interesting facts on why those websites look as cool as they do - while still being dead simple web design.

Elements of HTML that cause you to rank well on Google

Mike tried to rank for the term lodefizzle on Google. He wrote a dozen different pages to find out what aspects of HTML Google really cares about. Scroll down to the Google Vacuum Tests section for the interesting stuff!

Holy Grail of CSS layouts

Well described technique for achieving 3 column CSS layout with an absolute minimum of non-semantic blocks (just one).

Tutorial: Coding a Layout

A guide to quickly and easily coding a layout. Includes a free template and related files.

Picture Hoaxes

100 years before Photoshop, they managed to falsify pictures, with some brilliant concepts.

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