
latest front page stories

Job hunting online gets trickier

Federal regulations kick in today that will make Internet job hunting more complicated. Here's what candidates need to know – and change -- now.

Google Testing PayPal Killer GBuy

GBuy will feature an icon posted alongside the paid-search ads of merchants, which Google hopes will tempt consumers to click on the ads. GBuy will also let consumers store their credit-card information on Google.

iMac Core Duo Video Problems

People on the forums are reporting various bugs found in the new iMac Core Duo, specifically the ones with the video ram upgraded to 256MB. One disgruntled iMac owner created this website detailing the problem.

Do it yourself .Mac - get the basics without $99 a year!

This guy created his own local .Mac emulation - all the way from iCal publishing to tricking it into using the Backup program. He gives explict instructions on how to set this up. He gives example with a FreeBSD server, but he says it can be implemented easily on other platforms.

Sega Dreamcast Games on Xbox Live Arcade

According to an MS insider there will be over 50 Sega Dreamcast games on the Xbox Live Arcade within 2 years. Launched a handfull at a time, and the first game will be Bonks adventure, which should be out in September 2006. Every Dreamcast game released on 360 will be priced at around 10 dollars.

Where Did FireFox Come From?

An interesting look at the history of the hot browser that is chipping away at IE's browser market share.

Print your own Bacon. Yes, you read that correctly. Bacon.

Ink-jet printing has come a long way; we used to use it for what was called "hard copy." Soon, you will be able to use a modified ink-jet printer to make yourself some breakfast. Mmmmmm. Bacon.

Firefox 2.0 Alpha 1 Comes Out Friday!

The Mozilla Organization is set to release a public version of Firefox 2.0 Alpha 1 for public testing this Friday!

Intel won't admit it, but Apple's an abusive partner

You know those people who, during an uncomfortable moment, say "Awk-warrrrd..."? And that makes the moment so much worse? Well, CNN Money is that guy, and Intel's Apple deal is that uncomfortable moment.

Watch the first 10 minutes of a movie for free

Interesting concept. Not sure if legal or not but First10Minutes is a website that allows you to stream or download the first 10 minutes of DVD's released within the past 5 years for free.

Why Apple Really Ditched PowerPC

Apple wants to make their switch to Intel chips seem like a no-brainer, but the reality of it was a lot more complicated than just faster chips for Macs.

AMD AM2: More than just a Memory Change

The new AMD technology refresh, now called AM2, will bring DDR2 memory to the Athlon64 on-processor memory controller.

Microsoft breaks QuickTime export on the Mac

MS recently bought Flip4Mac (a WMV plugin for QuickTime), which they are distributing for free. It turns out, that this plugin breaks QT export and users are not happy.

Top Ten Tech Jobs, Wages Released

Hourly wages for tech professionals hit a record high during the fourth quarter of 2005, according to a report released Monday.

CSS Navigation Magnification

This is an awesome experiment/technique to make an HTML list magnify like the Dock in OS X using only CSS. Code and examples given to use on your own site.