

There are also 48 stories about movies that have not made it to the front page yet. Digg for stories to bring them to the top.

InDigital Episode 1 is out!

In this episode of InDigital, we take a look at the Treo 700w. Is it better than the 650? Also, we examine if Up Converting DVD's really work. We'll also show you some phones built for messaging and see if there is any competition for the Sidekick II. Finally, we're going to look at some products that were left over from our CES show.

Watch the first 10 minutes of a movie for free

Interesting concept. Not sure if legal or not but First10Minutes is a website that allows you to stream or download the first 10 minutes of DVD's released within the past 5 years for free.

Gooogle Video Hosting Superbowl XL Commercials

Looks like google has decided to set a page for just the superbowl commercials...

TOP 10 Must have Vidcasts. Turn off your TV and watch these IPTV shows.

Great list of 10 shows that you can subscribe to for your video iPod or just to watch on your computer or other device. This is a great list over at I'm one of the vidcasts listed (# 3). I had nothing to do with the list, but its a damn good one as I watched 8 out of the 10 listed, and now of course watch all 10.

MacGyver is BACK!!!

Our Favorite 80's super geek of all things non-techno is back. Check out the Super Bowl Ad early!

Video: Inside of a Hard Drive (direct link)

Shows how fast the servo arm on the hard drive can move. Impressive.

Why George Lucas Sold Pixar To Steve Jobs

It was twenty years ago this month that George Lucas sold Pixar to Stve Jobs. This short story explains why.

Warner Bros to sell movies on net

Films such as Batman Begins and TV series The OC are to be made available over the internet via peer-to-peer (P2P) networks by studio Warner Bros. The BBC Reports

Nerd TV Season 2 Starts

Season 2 starts with episode 12: Bob Kahn: Inventor of TCP/IP. Upcoming episodes will include Judy Estrin, Jerry Kaplan, Steve Wozniak, Larry Tesler, Eric Schmidt, and Linus Torvalds.

Ipod could save Firefly

A HIGHLY cunning high tech distribution plan may help a new season of cult sci-fi classic Firefly to get off the ground.

Harrison Ford on Indiana Jones 4

Harrison Ford says he's in the best shape of his life and he is prepared and eager to move forward with Indiana Jones 4.

Kevin Smith Doesn't Need the MPAA

Kevin Smith Vows 'Clerks 2' Language, Content Ups The Ante Of The Original 'A Hundredfold' but because of No nudity, no graphic violence and 'no way it gets an R' the director says of the sequel to his indie classic. he will release it unrated is this a bad move for kevin?

Pixar may 'unHollywood' Disney

Pixar succeeded by breaking the Hollywood business model. It employed producers, directors, writers, etc., long-term instead of just for one movie at a time. This created a tightknit company of collaborators who stick together and strive to improve with every production. Pixar brings that model to Disney and may spread it to the rest of Hollywood. adds TV show seasons on main details page

While the info has always been there, IMDb has added Season Numbers on their main details page for easy access to guest star info, trivia, cast, and general episode info. Very cool for TV junkies.

Toy Story 3 Cancelled

According to a poster at Animation Nation, Catmull and Lasseter "announced to Feature Animation employees Tuesday that the 'Toy Story 3' production will end effectively Tuesday. They said that sequels should only be made if there is a really great story that demands it, and should be the domain of those who created the original film."

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