

There are also 40 stories about programming that have not made it to the front page yet. Digg for stories to bring them to the top.

Sick of Firefox's Memory Leaks? Help Fix it!

"David Baron recently wrote a tool that testers can use to help reduce memory leaks in Firefox. With this tool, you can find out what leaks you encounter during your normal browsing patterns and report useful bugs when you encounter leaks."

Programmers get their own search engine

A tool, known as Krugle, is designed to deliver easy access to source code and other highly relevant technical information in a single, clean, easy-to-use interface for programmers. Krugle works by crawling, parsing, and indexing code found in open source repositories and code that exists in archives, mailing lists, blogs, and Web pages.

AJAX Design Patterns

In this tutorial we describe how to build a modularized architecture to create complex AJAX Applications. Unlike most of the AJAX tutorials we focus on the design and implementation of a whole application and not on the low level details.

PHP Login System with Admin Features

This is a complete PHP login system class with admin panel and remember me function!

Open Source's Best-Kept Secret

Everyone knows about Linux and, but what about Eclipse? Unless you're a developer, you've probably never heard of it, but it is fast becoming a serious threat to the part of Microsoft's software empire that seemed safest from attack.

Magic Eye Image Created From Obfuscated C Code

Check out this winning entry from the The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC). If you think your just looking at a crap program with bad coding style look again. Just focus and "you will find illumination!" It is a complete C program that runs and compiles that generates ASCII 3D "Magic Eye" images.

Need CSS Inspiration? Here's a Huge List.

The question of finding good 3 column layouts comes up in the mail list from time to time. Here are some that I have found, along with a few notations about what features they include and how they work. The judgment of "good" is left to you and your needs. Each offers interesting techniques for the CSS student.

Seven Secrets of Successful Programmers

Nice quick list of seven good programming practices.

10 Realistic Steps to a Faster Web Site

Not the usual guide suggesting to strip all white space. This guide speaks about generation time of sites and how to optimize it.

Open AJAX: IBM, Google and others endorse a standard framework

"The goal of Open Ajax is to standardize around a common set of widgets, interfaces, and plug-ins to Eclipse...regardless of browser client or server deployment platform. Open Ajax is all about assembling critical mass convergence around a stack to prevent Microsoft from co-opting it."

List of Algorithms

This single wikipedia webpage shows you a list of algorithms neatly classified into categories. Pick the ones you are interested in !

On Lisp available free

Paul Graham's book On Lisp is now available free. Great book for those wanting to learn lisp, goes in to detail about the language and how to use it.

Study PHP with

Here's a simple site I created for helping PHP programmers old and new study for certification exams or to simply hone their skills. It has wiki-like features so that users can submit and edit questions and answers.

"DVD" Jon can't to do anything about Sony BMG infringement of his copyright

Jon says he contacted a lawyer about Sony BMG's infringement of his copyright on the FairPlay code he wrote for VLC. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like he can do anything since his work was not registered with the U.S. Copyright Office and was licensed under the GPL.

Hiding Email Addresses

A comprehensive list of methods on how to hide email addresses in source code from spam bots. Includes; CSS, Javascript, Forms, Images, Obfuscation, Authentication, Flash, Unicode, Encryption and other methods. Each technique is presented and explained with their advantages and downfalls.

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