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Female dieters not helped much
Cutting fat intake not found to keep older folks healthy
Women try to cut fat from their diets for all kinds of reasons. Their hearts, their hips, their overall health. But a trio of studies in today's Journal of the American Medical Association isn't exactly what carrot-munching dieters want to


It's dandy for kids not to sell candy, widow says
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -- The widow of the man who ignited the low-carb craze said she will donate $16,000 to an elementary school where some students refused to sell candy as part of a fundraiser. The North Side Elementary students said

Patients should begin potent AIDS drugs early, study says
Risk of side effects found to be lower if therapy starts sooner
ATLANTA -- Patients with the AIDS virus are better off if they start taking powerful medicines early, rather than waiting for symptoms of their disease to appear, new research suggests.

Rare type of chlamydia a threat to gay men
WASHINGTON -- A particularly bad strain of chlamydia not usually seen in this country appears to be slowly spreading among gay and bisexual men, an infection that can increase their chances of getting or spreading the AIDS virus. Called LGV

A growing risk
• U.S. chlamydia rate 319.6 Cases of chlamydia, one of 350 per 100,000 the most common sexually transmitted diseases, rose 300 more than 29 percent in the 250 United States since 1999. 200 U.S. doctors say a more 150 serious strain, LGV chlamydia,

Iraqi health officials suspect boy died of bird flu
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Fears that bird flu may have spread to southern Iraq rose yesterday when authorities announced they were investigating whether a teenage pigeon seller had died of the virus -- Iraq's third suspected case. In Amarah, 180

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