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Coin Comment

The coin column of The Columbus Dispatch for 20 years

Ohioans on money

More than a dozen Ohioans have appeared on the nation's coins and paper money

Famous faces on paper money

Medals honored presidents

Ohio heroes stamped in gold, silver

Various pieces note moon landing

Ohio quarter

Ohio's contribution to aviation spans a century, but sculptor Donna Weaver had less than an inch in diameter to tell the story.

Also: Ohio quarter affirms state's role in aviation

Gold Fever

Lured by tales of riches in the gold fields of California, 60 adventurers left Columbus 150 years ago on a perilous journey by steamboat and covered wagon.

This site contains excerpts from a diary kept during the journey, a company charter and contemporary newspaper accounts.

Columbus Civil War tokens

In 1863 nine Columbus merchants, including a woman milliner, issued their own cent tokens in the face of a wartime coin shortage.

This site discusses Columbus during the Civil war, and includes contemporary newspaper ads placed by the token issuers and a map showing where they were located

Coins of the Bible

Coins that circulated in Judea as Joseph and Mary journeyed to Bethlehem, that were piled in the stalls as Jesus drove the money changers from the temple and that were in the pouches of those who wept at the foot of the cross still exist today. Coin dealers sell Israeli coins from the time of Christ for as little as $5.

In God We Trust

In God We Trust, which is stamped on more than 20 billion coins and notes each year, is a message to the ages from a Civil War-era pastor who was fearful about what future generations would think of this nation. This site contains stories, photos, the text of enabling legislation and Preident Taft's thoughts on the motto.

Lincoln cent

The Lincoln cent, "the most reproduced piece of art in the history of the world," was born in controversy 90 years ago. Introduced in the centennial year of Abraham Lincoln's birth, the penny was released into circulation Aug. 2, 1909. In New York, a dozen policemen and a sergeant kept order along the blocks-long line outside Treasury Department offices in the days after the cent's release as clerks inside rationed the coin to a dollar's worth a person.

Dispatch medal

Some 10,000 copies of this medal were handed out on June 11, 1910, when The Dispatch moved to a new home at the northeast corner of High and Gay streets. The medals turn up in antique and coin shops from time to time, priced at a few dollars.

Recent columns

Numismatic links

Coin Clubs

  • American Numismatic Association
  • American Numismatic Society

    The combined Columbus Numismatic Society and Central Ohio International Numismatic Society

    Hobby publications




  • Resources

    • Wholesale values
    • Chart giving wholesale values for most common-date United States coins and paper money issued since the early 1800s. (Summer, 2003)
    • How to sell coins
    • Most coins are common and worth very little, even if they're more than 100 years old. This article tells how to determine a coin's value and sell it.



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