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•  Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine directed by Vikram Jayanti

Chess enthusiasts will enjoy this even though it doesn't offer much in the way of specifics or analysis. But just how often do you get a chance to see "inside" Garry Kasparov?
•  Prozac Nation directed by Erik Skjoldbjaerg

Journey to Depression
Based on the book by Elizabeth Wurtzel, this film is a fine example of struggling with chemical imbalance.
•  Al Qods Fee Yom Akhar (Rana's Wedding) directed by Hany Abu Assad

Another Day in Jerusalem
With a typical romantic comedy plot, Rana's Wedding takes place against the serious backdrop of conflicts in Jerusalem, making this a memorable homage to the daily life that goes on in the ancient holy city.
•  Charulata directed by Satyajit Ray

The Lonely Wife
Satyajit Ray is India's supreme filmmaker, and this period film ranks among his best work. It works poetically by presenting a visual treatise about love and creativity while offering a political message about India's early stages of independence fighting.
•  Moulin Rouge (1952) directed by John Huston

Introducing Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Historical sketch of Toulouse-Lautrec, highlighted by vibrant can-can scenes at the Moulin Rouge and especially by numerous views of the bohemian artist's work.
•  Peau douce, La (The Soft Skin) directed by Francois Truffaut

Revealing Portrait of Adultery
Adultery is territory that Truffaut knows intimately, and he explores its nature in this obscure film with great care and sensitivity.
•  Olive Thomas Collection, The directed by Alan Crosland

A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody
The Olive Thomas Collection showcases a forgotten star.
•  Young and Innocent directed by Alfred Hitchcock

The Girl Was Young
Lightly regarded work from Hitchcock's British period, the film still contains his signature wit and virtuoso camera work. Of course it's about an innocent man running from the law again, with the help of a beautiful woman.
•  Enfant sauvage, L' (Wild Child, The) directed by Francois Truffaut

Wild Child: Man or Beast?
Even with historical films, Truffaut plays with his heart. Here a "wolf child" is found in a French woods, and Truffaut strives to find his moral center.
•  Pumping Iron directed by George Butler, Robert Fiore

Introducing Ahnold
Not a true documentary, but this 1977 film about body building holds up remarkably well and is surprisingly entertaining. Historically significant for promoting the sport and introducting Arnold Schwarzenegger to the world.
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Action Anime / Animation
Asian Action Comedy
Cult Documentary
Drama Exploitation
Foreign Gay / Lesbian
Horror Kids
Musicals Science Fiction / Fantasy
Silents Thriller
War Western

John NesbitRachel Gordon
Travis LowellMike Bracken
Tony PellumBrandon Curtis
Dainon MoodyDan Callahan
David AbramsJohn Beachem
Jeremiah KippKeith Uhlich
Stephen MurrayLee Chase IV
Daniel BrineyAndrew Hicks
Tiffany SanchezVolker Briegleb
Lucas StenslandChris Barsanti

   • Xiao cai feng (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress)
   • Imagine Me & You
   • Up for Grabs
   • Elle est des notres (She's One of Us)
   • Don't Come Knocking
   • Peindre Ou Faire L'Amour (To Paint or Make Love)
   • Free Zone

   • Glory Road
   • Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World
   • Xiao cai feng (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress)
   • Hostel
   • Brokeback Mountain
   • Last Holiday

   • Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
   • Bodyguard, The (2004)
   • Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
   • Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life
   • Grandma's Boy (1922)
   • March of the Penguins

   • Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine
   • Prozac Nation
   • Al Qods Fee Yom Akhar (Rana's Wedding)
   • Charulata
   • Moulin Rouge (1952)
   • Peau douce, La (The Soft Skin)

   •Lee Picks The Best (And Worst) of 2005
   •The Jewish/Palestinian Question: Cinema That Seeks Broader Strokes
   •2005: 10 Best Films of the Year
   •Best Movies of 2005
   •Dead Again, or A New Dawn for George A. Romero: An Interview With Author Tony Williams
   •Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Entertainment President
   •My Evening With Bruce
   •2005 Los Angeles International Short Film Festival
   •Cannes 2005

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