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•  Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room directed by Alex Gibney

Enron's Ponzi Scheme
I can picture 29,000 former Enron employees and even more stockholders watching this documentary in shock ... and then opening their windows and shouting, "I'm mad as Hell, and I'm NOT going to take this ANY MORE!!!!"
•  Bodyguard, The (2004) directed by Petchtai Wongkamlao

Farcical Thai Action-Thriller
Not your ordinary Asian action-thriller with the hero running around Bangkok's streets butt naked.
•  Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price directed by Robert Greenwald

Bashing the Retail Goliath
If you love shopping at Wal-Mart, forget about this film. On the other hand, perhaps you shouldn't miss it. Getting cheap underwear means that "somebody" has to pay the price--this documentary brutally kicks the giant retailer's vulnerable spots.
•  Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life directed by Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack

An Incredible Journey
Adventurer Merian C. Cooper declares that it's man's nature to explore, and here he films one of his own incredible journeys, as the film crew joins a nomadic Persian tribe in search of survival.
•  Grandma's Boy (1922) directed by Fred C. Newmeyer

Still Funny 80+ Years Later
A standard Harold Lloyd narrative, with the timid hero winning the girl, but most memorable for an adorable tiny Grandma, who packs quite a wallop!
•  March of the Penguins directed by Luc Jacquet

Lively Mating March For Survival
A rare species of documentary that provokes thought and emotion without any secondary motives besides inspiring awe.
•  King Kong (1933) directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack

A Beauty that Captures the Beast
Peter Jackson does the remake, but there's only one original Kong!
•  Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack

Before Kong!
Before King Kong, Merian C. Cooper brought the thrill of big game hunting to American movie theaters through this silent adventure thriller, complete with leopards, tigers, and bears (oh my!)
•  Why Worry? directed by Fred C. Newmeyer

Lloyd's Cinema Paradiso
Another quality comedy by Harold Lloyd, most notable for casting an actual 8 ft. 9 inch giant in a supporting role.
•  Browning Version, The (1951) directed by Anthony Asquith

Willy Loman of the British Education System
Outstanding character study about a retiring classics teacher. THIS is the film to inspire any veteran teacher or anyone whose lost his original spark.
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Action Anime / Animation
Asian Action Comedy
Cult Documentary
Drama Exploitation
Foreign Gay / Lesbian
Horror Kids
Musicals Science Fiction / Fantasy
Silents Thriller
War Western

John NesbitRachel Gordon
Travis LowellMike Bracken
Tony PellumBrandon Curtis
Dainon MoodyDan Callahan
David AbramsJohn Beachem
Jeremiah KippKeith Uhlich
Stephen MurrayLee Chase IV
Daniel BrineyAndrew Hicks
Tiffany SanchezVolker Briegleb
Lucas StenslandChris Barsanti

   • Xiao cai feng (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress)
   • Imagine Me & You
   • Up for Grabs
   • Elle est des notres (She's One of Us)
   • Don't Come Knocking
   • Peindre Ou Faire L'Amour (To Paint or Make Love)
   • Free Zone

   • Glory Road
   • Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World
   • Xiao cai feng (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress)
   • Hostel
   • Brokeback Mountain
   • Last Holiday

   • Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
   • Bodyguard, The (2004)
   • Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
   • Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life
   • Grandma's Boy (1922)
   • March of the Penguins

   • Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine
   • Prozac Nation
   • Al Qods Fee Yom Akhar (Rana's Wedding)
   • Charulata
   • Moulin Rouge (1952)
   • Peau douce, La (The Soft Skin)

   •Lee Picks The Best (And Worst) of 2005
   •The Jewish/Palestinian Question: Cinema That Seeks Broader Strokes
   •2005: 10 Best Films of the Year
   •Best Movies of 2005
   •Dead Again, or A New Dawn for George A. Romero: An Interview With Author Tony Williams
   •Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Entertainment President
   •My Evening With Bruce
   •2005 Los Angeles International Short Film Festival
   •Cannes 2005

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