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Blooms are beginning to open on the century plant at the Franklin Park Conservatory
Century plant finally bearing rare blossoms
Let the blooming begin.

Like expectant parents, staff members at the Franklin Park Conservatory have been anxiously awaiting blossoms on their century plant.

Since mid-December, they have known flowers were coming as they watched an asparaguslike stalk grow 8 to 12 inches a week.

The bloom of a century plant (Agave americana) is a rare event in central Ohio, even in the lush environment of the conservatory.


Hostas can add color in shade
Dear Jane: I have a shady patio and used to grow impatiens. Amur maples shade it, and the ground has gotten so full of roots that the impatiens just don't grow. What could I plant that would add some color but also could tolerate the root problem?


Some smaller trees, shrubs colorful all year
Last week I wrote about fourseason plants. Some other plants to consider include one of my favorites, Persian parrotia, a small pyramidal tree that grows 20 to 30 feet tall with a spread of 15 to 20 feet.

Gadgets for gardeners keep sprouting
Here are some of the best new tools being shown at 2006 garden shows nationwide: ?
  • Aqua Vor Easy Feeding cans: The integrated design eliminates multiple trips and messy measuring or mixing.

  • Plant of the Week | Spicy jatropha
    The spicy jatropha (Jatropha integerrima) belongs to the large family Euphorbiaceae, which consists of 170 species.

    With a variety of looks, grasses at home in many conditions
    Monika Burwell, who sells ornamental grasses big and small, says the world falls into two camps.

    "Some people love them; some people won't use them," said Burwell of Earthly Pursuits nursery in Windsor Mill, Md.

    Other stories

    In Your Garden

    • The garden in July
      The long string of 90-degree days kept many people out of the garden in July, but an intrepid few left their air conditioning long enough to capture a few photos of plants and wildlife.
    • The garden in June
      Gardens leave the rain behind to blossom in June
    • Send us your photos
      A representative sampling will be posted on


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