News Index

23 NOVEMBER 2005

Five referees from across Europe were selected by World Snooker to officiate at The Masters Qualifying Event at the World Snooker Centre at Pontin’s in Prestatyn. 


Following consultations between World Snooker, EBSA and EBSRA, Oliver Marteel (Belgium), Rene Tinge and Jurgen Gruson (Holland), Bernie Mickeleit (Germany) and Gary Evans (England) were selected to referee at the qualifying rounds in one of snooker’s most prestigious competitions.


Discussions between EBSRA Chairman Simon Smith and World Snooker Tournament Director Mike Ganley have resulted in this record number of European referees working at such a high profile event. 


Consultations between the two organisations are ongoing and it is envisaged that, apart from developing a much closer relationship between amateur referees and their professional counterparts, talks will result in the development of a comprehensive and clear strategic vision for the progression of referees.


Mike Ganley, World Snooker Tournament Director, said “In developing and strengthening our partnerships with the European Organisations, we at World Snooker, hope to energise referees and re-invigorate the current refereeing schemes by offering opportunities, such as bringing together refereeing colleagues from World Snooker and the EBSRA at our events.”


Simon Smith added “This is a significant step forward for the EBSRA and for referees throughout Europe. It will continue to raise the standard of refereeing by directly accessing the skills, experience and knowledge of referees at the top of the sport, and by sharing and disseminating best practice back to the Member countries.” 


Whilst at the event, the European referees will receive assessment from John Newton (Assessor for World Snooker) and advice from fellow professional referees to assist in refining their skills and gaining greater knowledge of the additional skills required of referees who undertake work on behalf of World Snooker, as well as “hands-on” experience of the scoring system used by World Snooker at all of its events. 


Although there are only limited opportunities to progress to the very highest level of the sport, this is only one of a number of chances available to European referees who are interested in the developing their refereeing skills outside of their national, EBSA and IBSF structures.


Referees also have the opportunity to officiate, undertake an informal assessment and gain valuable experience at the Pontin’s International Open Series Events, and with 3 events remaining (17-24 February 2006, 3-10 March and 8-15 May) interested referees should contact Simon Smith or +44 (0)77715 15714 for further information.


For new aspiring referees, there are Referee’s Associations in every European country and you can find more information at the Official EBSRA website, which contains useful contacts, translations of the Official Rules in several languages, as well as guidance and tips for refereeing.