Contribute. Processing is a community of passionate individuals contributing time and intelligence to make excellent software.

Processing is not a corporation. We don't have a full-time staff to create, promote, and improve the software. Please consider donating your time and energy to improvements.

Write Code
Before releasing Processing 1.0, there are hundreds of bugs to fix. If you have the ability, please help expedite the launch by contributing code. The source is available through SVN and an ongoing discussion happens in the Discourse. Check the current status through the bugs database. For more information about Processing and Open Source, check out the FAQ.

Report Bugs
If we don't know what's wrong with Processing, it can't be fixed. Please report your bugs using Processing's bugs database.

Build Libraries
The Processing core is very focused and minimal, but is easily extended to match additional desires and needs. If you write your own libraries for Processing, please consider sharing this code with the community. Current libraries are listed online and there's an ongoing discussion in the Discourse.

Teach Courses
If you teach workshops or courses, please consider using Processing. Processing was developed specifically for teaching and has been used widely within educational settings for the last four years. A sampling of current and previous classes is listed here.

Share Projects
If you're writing software with Processing, please share your projects and code. On this website you can post to the Exhibition and in the Discourse. Many Processors maintain websites archiving their explorations. Processing grows only through the inspiration and expertise of the community.

Answer Questions
If you feel confident with Processing, please help newbies and beginning programmers by answering questions and providing support in the Discourse section of this website.