
Examples for Processing (BETA) version 91+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.

Mouse 1D
by REAS <>

Move the mouse left and right to shift the balance.
The "mouseX" variable is used to control both the
size and color of the rectangles.

Updated 16 September 2002

int gx = 15;
int gy = 35;
float leftColor = 0.0;
float rightColor = 0.0;

void setup() 
  size(200, 200);
  colorMode(RGB, 1.0);

void draw() 
  fill(0.0, leftColor + 0.4, leftColor + 0.6); 
  rect(width/4-gx, width/2-gx, gx*2, gx*2); 
  fill(0.0, rightColor + 0.2, rightColor + 0.4); 
  rect(width/1.33-gy, width/2-gy, gy*2, gy*2);

void update(int x) 
  leftColor = -0.002 * x/2 + 0.06;
  rightColor =  0.002 * x/2 + 0.06;
  gx = x/2;
  gy = 100-x/2;

  if (gx < 10) {
    gx = 10;
  } else if (gx > 90) {
    gx = 90;

  if (gy > 90) {
    gy = 90;
  } else if (gy < 10) {
    gy = 10;