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Breaths to Control BP
Special breathing techniques improve functioning of the nervous system & controls high BP.

Spice of life turmeric
Turmeric acts as a blood purifier and a remedy for the skin conditions besides having many other benefits given here.

The body's switching station
The doshas are unique and extremely important, because they allow the mind’s dialogue with the body

Anger Management
Anger is a normal and healthy human emotion. However, when out of control it is destructive and an obstacle to personal and career success.

Reinforce new habits
After recognising the situation, which leads us to undesired behaviour like losing our temper, it is imperative we change the situation.

Ayurvedic Cure For Obesity
The tendency toward obesity is encouraged by two bad habits. The ayurvedic swastha-vritta guidelines are useful in preventing obesity.

Choosing one's goals
We need to choose a profession that Stimulates our minds and which we are Passionate about.

Handling exam stress
Are you tearing your hair in anxiety and fear? Here are some tips from Hemant Kumar to help you deal with exam stress.

Taking care of your eyes
You can maintain perfect eyesight for most part of your life by following some simple Ayurveda remedies.

Love as a social policy
Unless love enters the process of curing social injustice, we get sucked into a vortex of Us v Them.

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'Holy Fire' ritual at Easter

A stirring image of Easter is a burning candle being carried from the site of Christ's crucification.

Easter melodies

Churches across the country prepare to swell with Easter music.

New light on Jesus - Judas

An ancient manuscript may shed new light on the relationship between Jesus and Judas.

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