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Opportunities for transformation
Change opens the door to the opportunity for transformation, which is our main purpose in life.

Birth and Death are Only Constructs in the Mind
"There is no such thing as death, it is only the body that dies. Can anyone ever say 'I am dead'? Who knows 'I am'?"

Are There Cosmic Causes and Cures for All Evils?
At the start or genesis of the universe, there was only one almighty god, the brahman or the cosmic soul (parmatma).

Pure and Applied Metaphysics
In metaphysics, knowledge gathering may be either mystical or occult; in either case the pure knowledge is to be distinguished from the practical...

Popular Metaphysics
Popular metaphysics relates to two traditionally contrasting if not completely separate areas, which are: Mysticism and occultism.

Fundamental Understanding
Just like physics deals with the science of ' visible matter', metaphysics deals with the science of the 'invisible Self'.

Utility Of Metaphysics
Ordinarily one lives in an awareness that assesses and apprehends a world of objects and events external to one; so it 'appears' external...

Further Insights
Traditionally, metaphysics refers to the branch of philosophy that attempts to understand the fundamental nature...

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Kites to fly on Makar Sakranti

Makar Sankranti, also known as Uttarayan is celebrated with kites in Gujarat, and many other places.

Prayers, sacrifice mark Eid-ul-Zuha

Mosques in India reverberated with prayers as millions celebrated Eid-ul-Zuha.

Oneness Events: Jan 9 - 15, 2006

A detail of the events being held at the Oneness Centre, New Delhi.

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