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Outgrow the Ego
We don’t really live until we understand that truth is the missing piece from humanity, says Patrick Drysdale

Cardinal Principles
The world is like a dream: It appears to be real as long as we are ignorant of the Truth.

Attachment and Non-Attachment
Detachment or non-attachment does not mean non-enjoyment.

Some Esoteric Principles
It is said that upon Realisation or Enlightenment, the entire realm of negativity collapses as if...

Principles Of 'Self'
Just as the moon appears to be moving when the clouds are moving, so the Self appears to be active when the mind and the senses are active.

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Kites to fly on Makar Sakranti

Makar Sankranti, also known as Uttarayan is celebrated with kites in Gujarat, and many other places.

Prayers, sacrifice mark Eid-ul-Zuha

Mosques in India reverberated with prayers as millions celebrated Eid-ul-Zuha.

Oneness Events: Jan 9 - 15, 2006

A detail of the events being held at the Oneness Centre, New Delhi.

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