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East-Tec Eraser
by EAST Technologies, eraser (at) east-tec (dot) com [email concealed]
Platforms: Windows 95/98, Windows NT
Categories: Secure Deletion
Version: v4.0
East-Tec Eraser ("Eraser" in short) is a security application for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP designed to help you completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer and protect your computer and Internet privacy.

Eraser introduces a new meaning for the verb TO ERASE. Erasing a file now means wiping its contents beyond recovery, scrambling its name and dates and finally removing it from disk. When you want to get rid of sensitive files or folders beyond recovery, add them to the Eraser list of doomed files and ask Eraser to do the job. Eraser offers tight integration with the Windows shell, so you can drag files and folders from Explorer and drop them in Eraser, or you can erase them directly from Explorer by selecting Erase beyond recovery from the context menu.

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