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Business Intelligence Solutions

Business Intelligence Solutions

Faced with global competition and increasing customer demands, many organizations are turning to business intelligence (BI) solutions to improve their decision making and business agility.

Microsoft BI solutions provide rich BI capabilities based on a powerful BI platform—business performance management, dynamic reporting and analysis, data visualization—into familiar Microsoft applications.

Microsoft business intelligence is a complete, enterprise grade, and affordable set of solutions that enables decision makers to drive increased business performance by delivering BI through the Microsoft Office System.

Featured Solutions

Business Performance Management

Business Performance Management
The Microsoft business performance management solution offers companies a way to align action with strategy to improve performance by enabling every employee, process, and system to understand business drivers, shape solutions, and execute shared plans.

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and Analysis
Microsoft offers a comprehensive reporting and analysis solution that delivers powerful and cost effective business intelligence aimed at improving the speed and quality of decision making at all levels in an organization.

Data Visualization

Data Visualization
Microsoft products and technologies provide a comprehensive set of data visualization capabilities that enable organizations to enhance their business analysis, more quickly acquire business insight, and simplify business data communications and collaboration.

BI Platform

BI Platform
A complete platform for business intelligence and data analysis, the Microsoft BI platform—based on Microsoft SQL Server—delivers unparalleled data integration, analysis, and reporting capabilities.

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