SBS User Group info (RSS)

SBS User Group info

So you want to be a SBSC?

David asks... "I have just started my own consulting business focusing on small businesses in the engineering and manufacturing verticle.  I have taken the courses for the MCSA and was planning to take the exams shortly.  I may go for the Small Business Specialist first now that I have seen the Summit's webcast.  I have just received a small dell server with SBS 2003 on it and have already reloaded it once. FUN - It is soooo cool what they have done with this product!  OK, the reason for contacting you.  What books do you recommend for the Small Business Specialist Exam and any others that would round out a best practices for the product?  Do you have a book(s)?  Thanks for any help you can provide!"

The book I'd recommend is Harry and Beatrice's 70-282 guide.

As far as other resources... I'd like to first point you to this resource on the Web which has Microsoft's official literature...and then let me point you to a prior blog post about books on SBS.  I've done chapters in two books...and I'm reviewing another by Charlie Russel that will be specifically on the SBS 2003 R2 version.

...the key to passing the SBSC exam is to "think Microsoft".  Meaning that make sure you know the minimum specs of SBS and think it terms of "okay this isn't how I'd do this in the real world ...but I'll bet that's the one that is close to the real world".

As far as best practices... just come out to the communities or find a SBS group near you and ask... but maybe we need to think about a SBS setup wiki that wouldn't just go into "how do I set up the server" but would help in setting up all the OTHER stuff... login scripts, antivirus setups, all the other 'tweaking' we do after the server is set up... something to consider.. a community setup guide maybe... anyone else think that's a good idea?

SMBTN-Fresno meeting on Thursday

Just a reminder that there will be a meeting on Thursday at the Fresno Airport Holiday Inn for the Fresno SMBTN chapter.

The topic this month will be on antivirus and spam and we will discuss what vars and vaps like and dislike about Antivirus (and their vendors and their reseller programs)

Just a friendly piece of advice after the McAfee kills Excel ...and Oracle...and just about everything else.....

Don't "identify viruses" and "delete"

"Quarantine" them.  Then when your A/V vendor decides to build a bad dat file... you won't end up with a screwed up system that you'll need them to build a tool to fix you back up.

Where:  Fresno Airport Holiday Inn

When:  Thurday 3/16/2006

What time:  6:30 p.m. to whenever

Giveaways:  70-282 Prep Exam guide books


SMBTN-Fresno WSUSup?



Meeting on February 16th

Bring your laptop as we're going to be discussing the nuances of 
Microsoft Update, WSUS and Patch Mangement in General.  We'll discuss 
the issues of that week's patch Tuesday, discuss tools and resources for 
investigating issues, the patch testing process, how you can set up 
patch test networks, Virtualization and more.  The discussion will also 
be briefly touching on the concept of "managed services" and patch 
management and the impact on your engagement letters.

When:  February 16
Time:  6:30 p.m
Where:  Airport Holiday Inn - Yosemite room
Clinton and Gateway by the Airport
Light refreshments served

RSVP to Susan at (or this blog post)

Tentative future topic:
March -- AntiVirus/Spyware Roundup
April - SBSC .. Small Business Specialist
May --Managed Services and tools/tricks/markeplace

So how can small firms share?

Greg asks about the concept of partner groups in a follow up to my post about the first Fresno meeting... and there's a couple of ground rules about the Partner group that was discussed at the meeting I didn't blog about.

First off, let me state again, that each of us have niches.  You may think that you are a generalist, but I'll bet you are not.  I for one do a lot more in computer forensics, accounting deployments.  Another person last night was a wiz bang at access databases.  Another at training.  So already while each person had installed SBS networks, each one had a niche from the get go. 

Then the gentlemen's agreement of no poaching and vacation help.  The 'no poaching' rule is that when a person wants to take a vacation, they they just cover for that person, but will not take the client nor leave business cards behind.  There's a gentlemen's (or woman's) agreement. 

Okay Greg?  Question for ya...when's the last time you had a vacation?  Can you go on vacation and not panic that something will happen? 

Next, about your clients.  If you are going to be in here for the long haul, you won't be a 'generalist' that your client is willing to replace you with, you will be the "Outsourced Chief Technology Officer" of that firm.  You will be a trusted advisor.  The person who guide them in their technology decisions and choices.  Part of the reason that I'm so jazzed about the "Small Business Specialist" credential is that I envision it growing to a place where small firms will understand that that credential means that this person is this trusted advisor. 

As far as revenue sharing, sometimes you do get in a pinch and need an extra pair of hands so some of the groups make a business rule of whatever that person bills, the person doing the job for that other person gets 70%, the person who has the client gets 30%.

And sometimes you don't have the competition you think you know I work for an accounting firm and my sister used to work for another accounting firm a few years' back and we never competed with one another.  Because she tended to specialize in a certain type of clients... and I tended to specialize in another.  So while Greg may be right that he's a generalist in deployment... I'll betcha he's got a few 'types' of clients that are in a certain industry.  I'll bet there's something that he's got a smidge of a niche about.

So Greg?  It's the tech knowledge sharing, it's the business practices sharing, it's the war stories sharing [like I acknowledged that Attorneys are at least less techonology savvy than Accountants] that you can get in these meetings.  What you don't get is direct competition.  There is more than enough firms that need servers to go around. 

So Greg... to support SBS you have to be a generalist...but I'll bet you've got a niche hiding in you somewhere....

SMBTN Fresno first meeting

The first meeting of the SMBTN Fresno Partner group met last night at the Fresno Airport Holiday Inn. 

Graciously making the long trip up from San Diego was Roger Otterson, the smaller trip up from Bakersfield was Ed Roberts, and the trip down from San Francisco was Steve Lai.  As Steve said, probably the first time the California SBS MVPs have been in the same room in the state of California [we tend to get together in Redmond for some unknown reason].

The night's meeting was organizational where we've decided on a meeting night of a Thursday [most likely the Thursday after patch Tuesday] and we all said, no to a Monday meeting and NEVER meet on the holiest of evenings, "Patch Tuesday".  Besides, meeting on a post Patch Tuesday evening means that we will have the recap from "Dead body Wednesday". 

The concept of a partner group, where there is enough business in the small business marketplace, that we all have niches and specialities, that we all gain from our shared peer group was discussed.

A survey of future topics was gathered with top vote getters being WSUS [hey, as the patch Queen did you expect that I wouldn't put that on the list?], Small Business Specialist, and the Managed Service Model being top vote getters.  (that reminds me I need to blog on some of my thoughts on Managed Service Model being a true 'Secure network' model ...but that's another blog post....)

Not quite as many people showed up as I would have liked...but it was a start, and I got several RSVP cancellations saying that business got in the way... dang... that annoying business stuff....

Next meeting is tentatively set for February 16th, 2006 starting at 6:30 p.m. and I will confirm the date and time as soon as I can.


You in Fresno and want to join a SMB Partner group?

Join us January 23rd for the first meeting of the Fresno Branch of the 
SMB Technology Network.

SMBTN [] is a growing group of computer consultants and 
professionals in California and we are starting a Partner group in the 
Fresno Area. 
Our first meeting will be January 23rd, at the Fresno Airport Holiday 
Inn starting at 6 p.m. [refreshments and finger food provided free of 

The meeting is expected to be in the Yosemite room but please check the 
board for SMBTN-Fresno upon arrival.  The hotel is located across from 
the Airport in Fresno.

Come and be ready to win books [SBS unleashed, SBS Admin Guide] and 
other giveaways and learn how joining a SMB Partner group can help you 
in your business.

There is no fee to join the Fresno group and to join in the peer sharing.

As a consultant or reseller in the SMB market space, you know how 
difficult it can be to grow your business.  The SMBTN offers three major 
components to help you:

Education through monthly meetings, In the Field seminars, and our 
annual conference, helping you stay abreast of the latest SMB trends and 

Collaboration with vendors and manufacturers, including special programs 
and hands-on training.

Networking with peers and at client facing events, helping you to expand 
your business.

Please RSVP to Susan Bradley in Fresno, California to her 
email address at

If you are interested in this group, please RSVP to Susan or join this 
Yahoolistserve.  If you are not interested, but know of someone that 
might be, please feel free to pass along this invite.

It is a small world, isn't it?

Warning -- listening to the music at the beginning of this SBS Podcast may get it stuck in your brain....

I was listening to the SBS Podcast, who's theme is about community and I just loved some of the comments in the show this week about how we all win when we share.

Now I do need to clear up a few things... First off... I'm Lutheran and not .. you can probably skip the ring kissing and just tell folks to give me a hug instead  Now how I ended up not liking Coffee and addicted to Mountain Dew AND raised in the Lutheran church.... I have no idea..... google or msnsearch on the long standing relationship between Lutherans and Coffee...anyway.....and secondly... I'm just one person and one view.  You really want to hear and listen to a lot of people and not just me.  And you know what really rocks about the SBS world?  Is when we realize that we can sooooooo help each other when we reach out to one another.

I'm going to a user group meeting tomorrow night in Fresno.  Now its' not a SBS meeting, it's a IT techy one, so I won't get all that good SBS business processes stuff like Susanne and Amy talk about, but it's still a mini bit of my geek get togethers where I don't have to lower down the tech talk.  And there's usually an added benefit that we techs can play stump the techy sales guy.

Now what Chris did not tell you was how we two really met.  You see we first met virtually.  Both of us had gone to a CPA Tech conference and not met one another there.  But he did meet Anne.  So he, I and Anne started swapping emails post conference and it was finally AT SMBnation that I got to meet up with a kindred spirit.

And that's exactly what the SBS experience is indeed all about.  We are kindred spirits out here.

So point your browser to and find yourself a group of kindreds.

Interested in CRM 3.0? November 10th in Vancouver is where you want to be!


Canada once again is first to the UserGroups for Scott Colson on CRM 3.0!


VANCOUVER: Microsoft Small Business Server User Group - Build stronger customer relationships with Microsoft CRM.  


Sign up here!

Event Code: 1032285155


Date: November 10, 2005 6:30PM - November 10, 2005 8:30PM

Language: English



Microsoft Canada

1111 W. Georgia Street, Suite 1100

Vancouver, British Columbia


V6E 4M4


General Event Information


Products: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM, Small Business Server

Recommended Audience: IT Professional


Description:Microsoft CRM is a flexible and customizable platform

that can be configured to meet unique business needs. Join Scott

Colson of Autonomix Inc. to review the overall structure of

Microsoft CRM, explore its native Outlook experience, learn how to

create custom entities, and set up workflow rules to automate common

business processes. Demonstrations will be performed using Microsoft

CRM 3.0 installed on Windows Small Business Server 2003, with

highlights of new 3.0 features exclusive to the Small Business





6:00 PM – 6:30 PM              Registration


6:30 PM – 8:00 PM              Presentation


8:00 PM – 8:30 PM              Questions and Answers

So ya wanna be a consultant?

So Matt in the mailbag says that he's planning to become a consultant in the next 6 to 8 months and is studying right now for the Small Business Specialist exam. are some more ideas to help you in your journey....

  • Join a partner group - the web site at lists the locations around the world for a group in your area to meet and talk with your fellow consultant.  Find out what they do and how they do it.
  • Sign up for the Microsoft partner program.  Get the action pack and roll up your sleeves and start learning.
  • Follow the blogs and forums at
  • Sign up for the SBS listserve resources:
  • for the technical one
  • for the sales/business one
  • for sales/licensing, etc.
  • Use the WOW factor.  Set up SBS yourself and use it.  Get a Audiovox or other Mobile device that seemlessly connects to SBS.  Show the WOW.

SBS Partner group tour

Speaking of another group tour, the SBS Partner group tour is kicking off shortly!

The Microsoft SBS Product and Development teams have announced plans to visit 12 U.S. cities this October as part of the second U.S. SBS Partner Group Tour. The goal of this tour is to take the Small Business Partners and Microsoft Team Members to the next level of partnership and create even greater success with SBS going forward. In an effort to better connect with the SBS Partners, Microsoft team members will be guests at each of 12 Partner group meetings. As an attendee at this two-hour free event, you will learn first-hand the benefits of moving your customers to SBS 2003 and the opportunities that await you. Microsoft will also be soliciting your feedback on your future needs. Make a connection with the Microsoft team, see the potential of SBS, and make your voice heard!

Oct 10, 2005

5:30PM-8:30PM Downers Grove, Illinois

Oct 11, 2005

6:00PM-9:00PM Madison, Wisconsin   

Oct 12, 2005

6:00PM-9:00PM Eureka, Missouri   

Oct 13, 2005

5:30PM-8:30PM Indianapolis, Indiana   

Oct 17, 2005

6:30PM-8:30PM New York, New York   

Oct 18, 2005

6:00PM-8:00PM Waltham, Massachusetts 

Oct 19, 2005

6:00PM-8:00PM Washington, D.C. 

Oct 20, 2005

6:00PM-9:00PM Greensboro, North Carolina   

Oct 24, 2005

6:30PM-8:30PM Alpharetta, Georgia   

Oct 25, 2005

6:00PM-9:00PM Orlando, Florida   

Oct 26, 2005

6:30PM-8:30PM Tampa, Florida   

Oct 27, 2005

6:00PM-9:00PM Fort Lauderdale, Florida 


East Coast SBSers ARE YOU READY for the SBS TOUR?

The Microsoft SBS Product and Development teams have announced plans to visit 12 U.S. cities this October as part of the second U.S. SBS Partner Group Tour. The goal of this tour is to take the Small Business Partners and Microsoft Team Members to the next level of partnership and create even greater success with SBS going forward. In an effort to better connect with the SBS Partners, Microsoft team members will be guests at each of 12 Partner group meetings. As an attendee at this two-hour free event, you will learn first-hand the benefits of moving your customers to SBS 2003 and the opportunities that await you. Microsoft will also be soliciting your feedback on your future needs. Make a connection with the Microsoft team, see the potential of SBS, and make your voice heard!

Click here to sign up!

  • October 10th - Downers Grove, IL
  • Ocober 11th - Madison, WI
  • October 12th, Eureka, MO
  • October 13th, Indianapolis, IN
  • October 17th, New York, NY
  • October 18th, Waltham, MA
  • October 19th, Washington DC
  • October 20th, Greensboro, NC
  • October 24th, Alpharetta, GA
  • October 25th, Orlando, FL
  • October 26, Tampa, FL

Whoohooo... just like last Spring's SBS tour this looks to be a great event as well

The topics will be...

  • Building a successful business model with Windows Small Business Server 2003
  • SBS 2003 SP1 Follow up
  • Small Business products update
  • Small Business Specialist Community
  • R2 Next release features
  • Q&A: tell us what you want

[sorry ...forgot the link to sign up]

NEWSFLASH: Elvis spotted near the Gulf Coast of Florida

Well the headline got your attention didn't it?  
Okay so it's not Elvis ...
but rather Jeff Middleton's SwingMigration Tour that is on the road again.
You near the Gulf Coast June 23 ?

Jeff Middleton SBS-MVP is presenting on Swing Migration to the Gulf Coast
SMB Partners Group. It's a new group in the area, and they are looking to
invite anyone interested to join with the group.  Come support a local
community and meet some folks from the worldwide community!

To Register:

Jeff will be providing a presentation on how to migrate SBS or Windows
domains with the extremely popular approach of Swing Migration:

o        This unique technical solution can redefine your SMB business and
server support model, even put an end to the "business shutdown" or "the
long-weekend server upgrade" approach to Windows Server and SBS upgrades.
o        Directly shifting any Windows domain from NT4/SBS 4.x through
Win200x over to SBS/Windows 200x become possible, even BackOffice 2000 to
SBS 2003 while maintaining the original Active Directory. Swing Migration
delivers a clean installed Windows OS platform, (with or without hardware
replacement), retains the same server-name, same domain. Keep the same
Exchange Information Store if you like.
o        No user profile impact, ADMT is not required, no SID changes, no
UNC namespace break, just a transparent server upgrade that includes the
confidence of not impacting the workstations. This documented process keeps
a customer's domain in production, allows a full server replacement for
complicated Exchange based organizations on a single domain controller such
as SBS operating as a file server as well. Your technician can work offsite,
offline, open-timeline and with nothing to undo if unexpected issues arise.

In addition, Jeff is providing as a door prize a donated item worth $2500.

That ought to keep folks guessing!

Dear geek widow

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Geek widow:

Your significant other probably either printed this out, or handed you the computer so that you could read this blog.  Don't worry, it's really not important what a blog is.  What is important is your significant other wants to attend SMBnation Conference in Redmond, Washington September 9th through 11th.  If you act quickly you and your significant other can get a hotel room at the Marriott Richmond Town Center.  Now why is this a good thing?  Because while your geek spouse is at the Microsoft Conference Center getting overdosed on SBS love, you can walk around Redmond Town Center where there are shops, a mall, restaurant... enough stuff to keep you entertained while your significant other gets geeked out.  I'm up here right now as a matter of fact in the hotel room looking out the window on stores and restaurants.  We went to a great restaurant last night and in just walking around, it's enough of shopping and mall, and not to mention, downtown Seattle is a short drive or excursion away.

Don't worry, it's not catching, but look at it this way, for several days they'll be talking geek for three days with folks who actually don't mind listening to them, while you can be out shopping and having fun sighseeing. So take a look at where you'll be having fun, while your significant other is talking geek and getting it out of their system.  Well... at least until next year.

WhooHoo Winnipeg!

 Hold on to your hats folks because they've just added a Winnipeg venue to the Microsoft/SBS MVP Community Groups tour, so now Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Mississauga and Montreal.... the SBS user group tour is heading your way



Vancouver, British Columbia
Apr 19, 2005

SBS Usergroup Workshop - hosted by SBS MVP's
Audience: IT Professional, Partner, Technology Decision Maker
Language: English
Registration Fee: No

Calgary, Alberta
Apr 21, 2005

SBS Usergroups Workshop - Hosted by SBS MVP's
Audience: IT Professional, Partner, Technology Decision Maker
Language: English
Registration Fee: No

Winnipeg, Manitoba
Apr 23, 2005

SBS MVPS Community Groups Outreach - Canadian Workshops Tour 2005
Audience: IT Professional, Partner, Technology Decision Maker
Language: English
Registration Fee: No

Mississauga, Ontario
Apr 25, 2005

SBS Usergroup Workshop - Hosted by SBS MVP's
Audience: IT Professional, Partner, Technology Decision Maker
Language: English
Registration Fee: No

Montreal, Quebec
Apr 28, 2005

SBS Usergroup Workshop - hosted by SBS MVP’s
Audience: IT Professional, Partner, Technology Decision Maker
Language: English
Registration Fee: No


Four SBS MVPs on tour in Canada invite resellers and consultants who want to understand solutions for small business customers to join together for an evening of presentations and discussion. Each of the SBS MVPs appearing on this tour is an experienced resellers and a community leader. This event is generously sponsored by SBS MVP Jeff Middleton from as well as Microsoft, and will be presented in collaboration with your local SBS and Windows Server usergroups.


Content Overview:


Using SBS to empower Line of Business Application

Presenter: Jeff Loucks (Available Technology)


In this presentation Jeff Loucks illustrates why SBS is the ideal server for a small business seeking big business results with a low-TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and high-ROI (Return on Investment). As a leading expert on Small Business Server for Line of Business Applications, Jeff has guided end-customers and IT Pros worldwide to success in using products including MS CRM, Microsoft Project, Navision, Great Plains, and Small Business Financials.


Swing Migration: Upgrade SBS servers on weekdays, take the weekends off!

Presenter: Jeff Middleton (


This blockbuster presentation Jeff introduced last fall was rated by attendees as best of Reseller Summit 2004 Tour in Australia, and the best SMB Nation 2004 technical session. Replacing a Windows or SBS Server transparently, open timeline, same domain, no workstation impact…this migration method rocks!!


Open Forum Discussion on SBS Business and Technology Issues

Canadian SBS MVP’s Cal McLennan and Les Connor will lead some open topic discussion, bringing the newsgroup experience to the setting of a user group meeting. Choose your own topic, or jump into someone else’s question with whatever ideas or concerns you want to put on the table for debate.

SBS MVPs Community Groups Outreach – Canadian Workshops Tour 2005

Left to Right, The Four Musketeers, Jeff Loucks, Cal McLennan, Les Connor and Jeff Middleton

Just a reminder...spots are going fast for the MVP - the Four Musketeers Tour, better known as the

SBS MVPs Community Groups Outreach – Canadian Workshops Tour 2005


Just a reminder that Vancouver's event location in fact has now moved to a local hotel in order to accomodate more people. 

For those in Calgary, Toronto and Montreal, the sooner you sign up the more you are ensured that you won't be standing room only.  Remember these aren't your normal presentations from a 'talking head'.  These are folks that are consultants who walk the walk and talk the talk. 

Have to install a line of business application?  I mean isn't that what drives the business in the first place?  You'll want to listen to Jeff Louck's presentation.  Have to migrate from one server to another?  Jeff Middletons' your man with a process that means that the desktops see no [or very very little] impact.  Then Les Connor and Cal McLennan [two of the best SBS technicians around] will lead you in a SBS discussion. 

During April 2004, this first-of-its-kind series of Canadian events will bring IT Pros to meet with IT Pros across Canada. This is being made possible by Microsoft,, and the local chapter professional groups hosting meetings in each of the following event cities:


Event City


Event Location

Local Group Chapter

Register / Contact Info


April 19

The Fairmont Waterfront

900 Canada Place Way


John Eyre &

Graham Jones



April 21

2nd Floor MS Building


Bil Simser



April 25

MPR room B –

MS Mississauga


Cal McLennan



April 28

Centre Mont-Royal


Mitch Garvis  


[For more infformation, see the prior post]

Oh Canada! The Four Musketeers are heading your way!

The Four Musketeers -- From Left to Right, Jeff Middleton, Cal McLennan, Jeff Loucks, Les Connor

I was hoping for a cartoon of some musketeers but this will have to do.  :-)

SBS MVPs Community Groups Outreach – Canadian Workshops Tour 2005


The Canadian SBS MVPs invite resellers and consultants who want to understand solutions for small business customers to join together for an evening of presentations and discussion. The local chapters of SBS and Windows professional groups across Canada are joining together with sponsorship by Microsoft to bring a group of Microsoft Small Business Server “Most Valuable Professionals” to meet with you. Each of the SBS MVPs appearing on this tour is an experienced resellers and a community leader. You can expect the same no-nonsense expertise on SBS and related technology applications you read in the newsgroups to be brought to this discussion.


You will have a unique opportunity to speak informally or ask technical questions from some well respected MVPs from across North America, including our special guest, Jeff Middleton SBS MVP (US). For this event series (except Toronto), Jeff will be explaining how his Swing Migration method for SBS and Windows server upgrades ends working on weekends or extensive business shutdown.


Toronto welcomes Jeff back to the TWSUG for the second time this year, and a discussion of “Using Group Policy for force Desktop Applications to run without providing Administrator Rights”.


MVP Name

Home City


Home Country

Les Connor




Jeff Loucks

St. Catherines



Cal McLennan




Jeff Middleton

New Orleans


United States


During April 2004, this first-of-its-kind series of Canadian events will bring IT Pros to meet with IT Pros across Canada. This is being made possible by Microsoft,, and the local chapter professional groups hosting meetings in each of the following event cities:


Event City


Event Location

Local Group Chapter

Register / Contact Info


April 19

The Fairmont Waterfront

900 Canada Place Way


John Eyre &

Graham Jones



April 21

2nd Floor MS Building


Bil Simser



April 25

MPR room B –

MS Mississauga


Cal McLennan



April 28

Centre Mont-Royal


Mitch Garvis  



Find out how your business and customer scenarios compare to those of professionals across Canada, North America, and even worldwide.


The SBS MVPs are experienced IT Pros with unique perspective on SBS the gained working with it personally, and from years of observations from others in the global online discussion newsgroups. Don’t miss this chance for a local meeting where you can join in the discussion.


Make your reservation to join us now! Reservation details…more information on the agenda below Agenda in Brief

Meet our Hosts: Local Chapter Professional Group

The SBS MVPs are offering their time to visit these groups to demonstrate the power and interaction value you can gain from getting involved with professional groups. The local chapter leaders and membership will give you an introduction to their goals, and the resources that are being shared. You will learn of benefits and opportunities available through cooperation with each other, and the Microsoft’s communities team.

Using SBS to empower Line of Business Application

Presenter: Jeff Loucks (Available Technology)

In this presentation Jeff Loucks illustrates why SBS is the ideal server for a small business seeking big business results with a low-TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and high-ROI (Return on Investment). Jeff works with companies of all sizes to provide solutions in Customer Relationship Management, Project Management, e-learning and Collaboration Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning. As a leading expert on Small Business Server for Line of Business Applications, Jeff has guided end-customers and IT Pros worldwide to success in using products including MS CRM, Microsoft Project, Navision, Great Plains, and Small Business Financials.

Jeff presentation identifies the secrets of his success in using both business and technical concepts based upon the Small Business Server platform, when tuned for the customer's Line of Business (LOB) Application needs and business goals. Highlights include:

Technical Strategies • Optimizing Hardware – 5 Mistakes even experienced hardware architects make. • Optimizing SBS for LOB Applications – Tuning Exchange, SQL Server, ISA, IIS, and pagefile performance. • Application Optimization – Using MS CRM and/or Navision.

Business Strategies and Case Studies • Professional Specialization – Partnering for Success. • HGI Industries – A pair of Windows 2003 Servers were redeployed as SBS 2003 with an additional terminal server. The results were a strategic transition at low cost to dramatically improved performance, security, functionality and flexibility by focusing on the strengths of using Small Business Server, Terminal Server and Great Plains together. • Direct Plastics Group – How a migration to SBS 2003 from Novell and FTGateMail empowered this business to implement a leading ERP system and empowered them to tackle new markets.

Swing Migration: Upgrade SBS servers on weekdays, take the weekends off!

Presenter: Jeff Middleton (

This blockbuster presentation Jeff introduced last fall was rated by attendees as best of Reseller Summit 2004 Tour given by Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, and Trend Micro in Australia, and the best SMB Nation 2004 technical session. Replacing a Windows or SBS Server transparently, open timeline, same domain, no workstation impact…this migration method rocks!!

• This unique technical solution can redefine your SMB business and server support model, even put an end to the “business shutdown” or “the long-weekend server upgrade” approach to Windows Server and SBS upgrades.

• Directly shifting any Windows domain from NT4/SBS 4.x through Win200x over to SBS/Windows 200x become possible, even BackOffice 2000 to SBS 2003 while maintaining the original Active Directory. Swing Migration delivers a clean installed Windows OS platform, (with or without hardware replacement), retains the same server-name, same domain. Keep the same Exchange Information Store if you like.

• No user profile impact, ADMT is not required, no SID changes, no UNC namespace break, just a transparent server upgrade that includes the confidence of not impacting the workstations. This documented process keeps a customer’s domain in production, allows a full server replacement for complicated Exchange based organizations on a single domain controller such as SBS operating as a file server as well. Your technician can work offsite, offline, open-timeline and with nothing to undo if unexpected issues arise.

Open Forum Discussion on SBS Business and Technology Issues

Cal McLennan and Les Connor will lead some open topic discussion, bringing the newsgroup experience to the setting of a user group meeting. Choose your own topic, or jump into someone else’s question with whatever ideas or concerns you want to put on the table for debate. All the MVPs will be on hand to close the evening with an open chat.

St Louis SBSers! A group for you!

One of my long time SBS mentors and 'big brothers' Cris Hanna is starting a SBS partner group in the St. Louis area.  Join him online and in person for a 'in face' community.  I still remember the first time I met him in person with my fellow SBS MVPs, Cris found me talking to a bunch of FoxPro mvps, tucked me under his wing and started the introductions to people I'd never met in person but already had a bond with.

It's the “bounce” factor.  Talking to someone who works in the same area you work in, does what you do, sees what you see.  Join Cris for a bit of live community.  I think you find he'll tuck you under his wing and make you feel as welcome as he did me.

For more information on this group or to communicate with others using SBS in the St. Louis area:

It's not too late for the Hottest Tour around!

It's not too late to catch the hottest tour around.  This tour ROCKS!  Get autographs!  Get a backstage pass and more!  Talk one on one with the tour members!  What is this?  What really cool tour is this?

Why the SBS Partner tour of course and there is only four venues left!  Tavis gives his recap of the tour on the stop in Michigan.

Seriously if you are 'into' SBS, thinking about SBS, interested in SBS you need to get yourself to one of these events.  You won't be disappointed. 

  • March 28 - Omaha, Nebraska - 11802 Pacific Street, Omaha, NE 68154
  • March 29 - Irving, Texas - 7000 State Highway 161, Irving, TX 75039
  • March 30 - San Antonio, Texas - 4522 Fredericksburg Road,A79, San Antonio, TX 78201
  • March 31 - Denver, Colorado - 4643 South Ulster Street,Suite 700, Denver, CO 80237


Hey you know ..I haven't seen any photos from these venues... we're just going to have to see if someone has been taking some!

The following are covered in the FREE, two-hour evening event:

  • The Small Business Customer – Data and Trends
  • How Partners are making money with SBS 2003
  • SBS 2003 SP1 overview and what it means for you and your customers
  • SBS 2003 demos
  • Product strategy and roadmap

This is a FREE event sponsored by your local SBS User Group. Beyond the valuable and timely information that follows a TS2 event content, you'll also receive:

  • 128mb USB pen drive – Microsoft Partner Program Branded
  • Leather Pad-Folio embossed with Windows Small Business Server 2003
  • Official SBS 2003 Partner CD from the Microsoft Windows Small Business Server team (just released!)
  • An invaluable overview of the soon to be released SBS Service Pack 1 from top level SBS team members
  • Helpful information on how SBS Partners make money in the SMB Space
  • The latest research covering what and who the SMB customer is, and how you can reach customers based on this latest data
  • An invaluable opportunity to network with other local, successful SBS focused Partners (and their local SBS Partner Groups)

So how plugged in are you?

So Amy and Tavis posted in about their SBS Partner group experience [Amy on the ISA server listserve, Taz on his blog] and what I'm reading into these messages is that you partners out here don't know.

  • Aren't comfortable with ISA server because they haven't taken the time to learn it or understand it
  • Don't know about all the benefits of the Microsoft partner program, partner/user groups.
  • Don't know about how SBS and CRM are a win/win.

Now maybe if you are reading the blog you are already plugged in..... but come on folks... GET INVOLVED.

Did you see the last SMBnation newsletter?  Did you SEE all those Partner/User groups down there?  WOW!  And if you don't see one in your area, START ONE.  Go to the next TS2 meeting in your area and ask for like minded SBSers and just start one!

Well what the heck are you waiting for?  GET PLUGGED IN!

Toronto North SBS Consultants Group

The initial meeting of the Toronto North SBS Consultants Group has been scheduled and planned!

If you are local to Toronto, Newmarket or Barrie, please join our site at:

And register for our first meeting at:

General Event Information
Products: Windows Small Business Server

Recommended Audience: IT Professional, Partner

Initial meeting of the Toronto North SBS Consultants Group - A group of IT consultants that support small business technology - especially focused on Microsoft's Small Business Server.

Join us to network with friends, colleagues and other professionals to exchange technical and business knowledge helping us all better serve our small business customers.

Through monthly meetings, and an online community we share experiences, best practices and general ideas about Small Business Server and the practices we create around it.

The group is North of Toronto, serving all surrounding locations, including the Greater Toronto area proper.

The initial meeting agenda includes:

1) Group introduction and discussion
2) Introduction to Small Business Server 2003
3) Introduction to the Microsoft Canada Partner program
4) Networking


Speaking of SBS Partner Groups

You guys and gals DO remember what is upcoming in March in the USA don't you? [and for those of you near the USA borders...consider that March is lovely weather for traveling to the states]

Beginning March 10, the SBS Partner Group Tour kicks off in Seattle Washington, from there they start heading South --

I hear from Roger in San Diego that spots are filling up so sign up now folks!

Cities on the tour are:

  • Cincinnati, OH 3/22/2005
  • Denver, CO 3/31/2005
  • Independence, OH 3/24/2005
  • Irving, TX 3/29/2005
  • Louisville, KY 3/21/2005
  • Omaha, NE 3/28/2005
  • Pasadena, CA 3/18/2005
  • Phoenix, AZ 3/16/2005
  • Portland, OR 3/14/2005
  • Redmond, WA 3/10/2005
  • Sacramento, CA 3/15/2005
  • San Antonio, TX 3/30/2005
  • San Diego, CA 3/17/2005
  • Southfield, MI 3/23/2005

The power of ONE

You know about the power of ONE don't you?  Anyone who installs a SBS 2003 server knows ALL about the power of ONE.  One domain controller drives a business.  One mail server runs a firm.  One network makes a firm.  Personally I have a wacko view that I think the power of ONE makes you more agile, more able to spread your resources into upgrading other technology in your firm.

This week I got a reminder of the power of ONE.  There's a powerful ONE that helps out Microsoft Partners to be better partners by joining ONE community. 

click here for a larger image

The Microsoft Small Business Channel Community is ONE source to help you narrow your focus into today's information overload.  One community member said that they go to the site to know the webcasts that target the Small Business Community because otherwise they have to weed through a lot of non related web casts.

While there click on the link to join ONE user group to share your “been there, done that“ stories and when you need an extra pair of hands know that there's at least ONE person there you can sub-contract or joint venture with. 

When we all join forces to become ONE, we become a bigger ONE.

click here for a larger image

Newbies please line up here

A comment was made in the blog tonight about how they had recently installed their SBS 2k3 and the stumbled on this site [welcome] and that it was nice to go to a place where newbies like me are treated decently for wanting to learn, and not hung out to dry by the "exclusive, if-you-don't-know-you-shouldn't-be-here" crowd”

You are going to think I'm absolutely insane but I love it when someone says “I”m new to SBS” because it means we got us another newbie to the community and I LOVE newbies.  Why?  Because it reminds me of how I got here.

You see [and it really hasn't been that long ago] that I stumbled across the Small Business Server Community and just started lurking.  And lurking.  And reading.  And finally one day, timidly posting.  And that's how it starts.  You see, I think life is a lot more fun and interesting when you are always a little bit “newbie”... a new participant in an activity.  I think being a newbie means that you are constantly learning and growing.

So if you are new to SBS 2003 or new to servers or new to domains, or new to .... well anything.  Welcome.  Pull up a chair.  Join our SBS communities.  I hope you find it just as welcoming and informative as I found them years ago when I stumbled across them and found these guys named Jeff, Cris, Michel and Grey helping an inquistive newbie.

The names may have changed of the helpers, but the same core thought is there.  Newbies are definitely welcome in SBSland.

Pull up a chair and sit a while. 

Windows Small Business Server 2003 Partner Group Tour is coming to a city NEAR YOU

Those of you in Washington state take a look at attending this event on

March 10th, 2005.


We have user group members from as far north as

Vancouver, BC Canada and east of the mountains over near Yakima, so making

the trek for one meeting if you a Microsoft Partner VAP/VAR is something you

should consider for the March 10th event.  Below is the information.  We are

making plans for food and giveaways now, so the sooner you register, the

better off we all will be.  Look for the Redmond event for Washington.

Other venues are listed as well, so all Partners should check out this link

for tour dates near you.


SIGN UP NOW for the Windows Small Business Server 2003 (SBS 2003) Partner

Group Tour



Taking the Partners and Microsoft Team Members to the next level of

partnership and creating even greater success with SBS 2003 going forward


The Microsoft SBS Product and Development teams have announced plans to

visit 14 U.S. cities this March as part of the first U.S. SBS Partner Group

Tour. The goal of this tour is to take the Small Business Partners and

Microsoft Team Members to the next level of partnership and create even

greater success with SBS going forward. In an effort to better connect with

the SBS Partners, Microsoft team members will be guests at each of 14

Partner group meetings. As an attendee at this two-hour free event, you will

learn first-hand the benefits of moving your customers to SBS 2003 and the

opportunities that await you. Microsoft will also be soliciting your

feedback on your future needs. Make a connection with the Microsoft team,

see the potential of SBS, and make your voice heard!




Small Business Consultants




All though there are no formal prerequisites for this seminar, attendees

should have an understanding of and some experience with SBS 2003.




In an effort to get away from their cubicles and Redmond (as some Partners

view it), the Microsoft SBS Product and Development teams have announced

plans to visit 14 U.S. cities this March as part of the first U.S. SBS

Partner Group Tour. In some circles, they are called "User Groups," but we

know the majority of members are actually Microsoft Partners looking to join

up with other SBS Partners to create greater opportunities and results for

their companies.


Says Microsoft's SBS Product Manager, Derek Brown: "I'm truly excited to

meet our SBS Partners, and not only bring them a big thank you for a job

well done, but we'll also look to share some valuable information and

content. In addition, we expect to do a lot of listening and hear directly

from each of them what their needs are for even more success with SBS into

the future."


San Diego SBS Group President, Roger Otterson notes: "This is part of what

we had in mind when we started our SBS group four years ago. Creating a

group of SBS Partners gives Microsoft ample justification to utilize its

resources to really connect with SMB Partners via these GROUPS - where, in

the past, as single entities, it would never happen!" SBS Partner Group head

in Cincinnati, Kevin Royalty adds: "Even though Microsoft is actually coming

to us at these events, it's now up to us as SBS Partners to make the effort

to attend a tour event and make a real connection with the Microsoft Teams.

I see these events as an inspiration to the Partners AND Microsoft to

recognize what our true potential with SBS and the SMB is."




The following are covered in the FREE, two-hour evening event:


The Small Business Customer - Data and Trends


How Partners are making money with SBS 2003


SBS 2003 SP1 overview and what it means for you and

your customers


SBS 2003 demos


Product strategy and roadmap


This is a FREE event sponsored by your local SBS User Group.

Beyond the valuable and timely information that follows a

TS2 event content, you'll also receive:


128mb USB pen drive - Microsoft Partner Program Branded


The latest Partner Group ONLY SBS Partner DVD with 3GB of

technical and marketing content


An invaluable overview of the soon to be released SBS Service Pack 1

from top level SBS team members


Helpful presentations on how SBS Partners make money in the

SMB Space


The latest research covering what and who the SMB customer is,

and how you can reach customers based on this latest data


An invaluable opportunity to network with other local,

successful SBS focused Partners (and their local SBS

Partner Groups)


And, as always, Microsoft will provide some great premium

incentives and giveaways to make everyone happy

(no T-shirts, we promise)!


Thanks everyone!





Steven Banks [SBS MVP]

Banks Consulting Northwest Inc.


Cities on the tour are:

  • Cincinnati, OH 3/22/2005
  • Denver, CO 3/31/2005
  • Independence, OH 3/24/2005
  • Irving, TX 3/29/2005
  • Louisville, KY 3/21/2005
  • Omaha, NE 3/28/2005
  • Pasadena, CA 3/18/2005
  • Phoenix, AZ 3/16/2005
  • Portland, OR 3/14/2005
  • Redmond, WA 3/10/2005
  • Sacramento, CA 3/15/2005
  • San Antonio, TX 3/30/2005
  • San Diego, CA 3/17/2005
  • Southfield, MI 3/23/2005


ooooh I'm goosepimply folks...this is sooooo cool!

If you are anywhere near these cities

this is a MUST GO TO EVENT for SBSers!!!!

Photos from the The "Oh Canada" event and Harry and SMBNation heads off to Asia

For those of you who missed the “Oh Canada” event, we've got some more photos on the web site.  Harry and the SMBNation will be travelling next to India, Singapore, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Taiwan.

I'm hoping too that Harry and the SMBNation events can do his “Pied Piper of user groups” that he normally does and find us some SBSers to complete the circle of SBS coverage around the world.  [We're going for total world domination here]

And just one more reminder that if you missed the Toronto user group, you will have more events.  In fact here's a listing of all sorts of user groups in Canada.

If you are looking for a live, face to face group meeting where peers talk to other peers about “been there” and “done that” search the Microsoft Mindshare page for groups in your area!

Microsoft's Canada Server Group Event

I checked with Microsoft Canada and there is still plenty of room so PLEASE if you are in the vicinity tomorrow night of Mississauga and the Microsoft Canada location - SHOW UP!

TechNet Canada and the Toronto Windows Server User Group (TWSUG) are proud

to host sessions focused around Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003.


Date: January 11, 2005


Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM



Microsoft Canada / Events Entrance

1950 Meadowvale Boulevard

Mississauga, Ontario Canada

L5N 8L9

Just know it's going to be cold, so Les says to pack shorts

Last chance to meet up with the SBS family members in Toronto on Tuesday
First up is the SMBnation event

Sponsored by HP, this one-day workshop is a retreat that focuses on the business and bits (technology) of Windows Small Business Server 2003 for consultants, resellers, technology professionals and Microsoft Partners. Hosted by international SBS author Harry Brelsford (Seattle, Washington).


NOTE: SBS Starter Kit owners will want to select discount option from OPTIONS menu (drop-down option for $25 USD savings). Once verified that you are a SBS 2003 Starter Kit owner, your order will be processed.


Wyndham Bristol Place

950 Dixon Road

Toronto, Ontario M9W 5N4

(416) 675-9444


NOTE: As a special treat - Toronto attendees receive a complimenary copy of the popular SMB Consulting Best Practices book ($59.95 USD value).


All prices USD

Next up:

TechNet Canada and the Toronto Windows Server User Group (TWSUG) are proud

to host sessions focused around Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003.


Date: January 11, 2005


Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM



Microsoft Canada / Events Entrance

1950 Meadowvale Boulevard

Mississauga, Ontario Canada

L5N 8L9



Session 1 - Migrating Windows Domains using Swing Migration

Presenter: Jeff Middleton - US Microsoft MVP for SBS 2003




Session 2 - Windows Small Business Server - A Year in Review

Presenter: Harry Brelsford



Meeting Agenda:

6:00 - 6:30 - Registration and Dinner

6:30 - 6:45 - TWSUG Announcements

6:45 - 8:30 - 2 Sessions on SBS

8:30 - 8:45 - SBS Partner and Customer Programs by Pamela Lauz, SBS Product Manager

8:45 - 9:15 - Q&A with Harry Brelsford, Jeff Middleton and Pamela Lauz

9:15 - 9:30 - Draw for prizes & Future events


Find out more details about the event here:

You can sign up for the event here:

When Jeff did his organizational pdf he didn't even bother to put in the weather report.
Les said the weather wasn't bad and to pack shorts.   Yeah... right.....

OH CANADA - just a reminder that 2005 will bring you a SBS event to remember!

Date: January 11, 2005
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Microsoft Canada - Mississauga

OK Toronto and area SBSers! The first meeting of the year for the Toronto
Windows Server User Group (TWSUG) - and it is all SBS. And look a the
drawing cards we have for the event!

Session 1 - Migrating Windows Domains using Swing Migration
Presenter: Jeff Middleton - US Microsoft MVP for SBS 2003

Session 2 - Windows Small Business Server - A Year in Review
Presenter: Harry Brelsford - Author and US Microsoft MVP for SBS 2003

Event information here...

Jeff is just back from his 5 week presentation tour through Australia - with
resounding great response all the way. You want to know about his Swing
migration? Waiting to finally move up to SBS2k3? Here is an opportunity to
see, hear and ask those "what if?" questions about the process. Here is
Jeff's web site...

Harry is in Toronto the same day with his own One-Day Workshop in Windows
Small Business Server 2003 - Strategies to build your SBS consulting
practice; How to integrate SBS with Office 2003; Technical tips and tricks
to extend SBS. Harry has graciously accepted an invitation to present at our
evening session. Check out Harry's event here...

But wait - there is more!

We are up to a count of 9 SBS MVP's that will be on site that evening! A
wonderful opportunity to meet the anchors of so many community resources you
depend upon. We want this to be your chance to ask questions, and share your
own hard earned knowledge with your Peers.

TWSUG membership is NOT required to attend. There is NO charge to attend.

Please - tell others about the event. We want this to be the start of a
really great year!

If you are any where NEAR CANADA you need to be here

Remember how I said earlier that if you were in Australia you were in luck because you had not one, not two but three MVPs presenting down under?  Oh, Canada, can you say TEN?  Book your plans in January, if you are ANYWHERE near Toronto, get ready for a SMBnation Day event that is turning into a MUST GO TO event for the Northerners.  At last count, about 10 SBS MVPs from across the US and Canada will converge in attendance at the Day Summit. 


SMBNation Summit in Toronto

Harry Brelsford is on the road with his SMBNation summit, a full day event filled to the brim of information that is always a hit.  Click here to register to get SBSism, lunch and Harry's SBS “bible”.  The bonus is that among the MVPs attending, you can meet several of the chapter authors that contributed to Harry's soon to be released Advanced SBS book [You know, the one I've been talking about that has the tips on Security and User mode?]


TechNet Canada and the Toronto Windows Server User group plays host to two session speakers you know from the SBSworld as they welcome the SBS community!

Harry will spin a brief farewell with a “year in review” of SBS 2003.  Plus, sit back for an hour, Jeff Middleton is stepping up [or is it dancing?] for a Swing Migration presentation, the same one the Aussies saw just last month.  Click here to register for THAT event

SBS MVPs and SBS Family members are getting together and it's turning into a north of the border version of the Seattle SBS fest, and a north of the equator redux of the Swing It!! tour.  If you are in our Northern neighbors... sign up....and if you re near the border.... get your birth certificate in order and GO!

A note from Handy Andy - Chat tonight!

Hi Gang,

Today or tonight depending on your time zone is the SBS Chat at

7:00pm est 4:00pm pst and if I did it right midnight gmt

Hope to see you there,

Andy Goodman, SBS-MVP, MCP, DownHome Computers 

A.K.A HandyAndy on the SBS forum at
"If you can't find the key to success, pick the lock."
                              Author Unknown

This week in the communities

The headlines this week for the communities of SBS:

SmallbizIT [the business of SBS listserve] is discussing flat rate versus hourly billing.  Which works for you and your clientele? And then chatting about Harry's upcoming SBS Advanced book.

Mssmallbiz [technical, business and the BEST place for licensing questions] is discussing “Server down support“ and Eric Ligman had a “Understanding licensing for Small Business Customers“ webcast that is now available from the web site [Click on the live meetings link on the quick launch bar on the left hand side]  Remember too the Small Business Center webcast is coming up on the 14th.

SBS2k [which also covers SBS2k3 - technical] is discussing Remote web workplace, RISing out workstations, does SBS really need WINS and has some great ISA experts in there as well.

Newsgroups are discussing is discussing Antivirus and backup issues

Nick on the Minasi forum is chatting about Sharepoint, SMTP and external access.

Handy Andy on the MCP forums is talking about roaming profiles and Exchange server.  Don't forget too that Handy Andy will be having a live chat on the 15th.

Harry and SMBnation will be coming to Toronto on January 11th and word is besides Harry a couple of other local SBS MVPs will be in attendance.

Did I forget any SBS Community out here?  If so, let me know.

Oh yeah, one more.

In the Usergroup Leadership listserve [listserve specially formed to help grow and nuture user groups] we've been talking about setting up an Office live meeting.  What?  Don't have a SBS usergroup near you?  How about setting one up?  Next time there's a TS2 event in your neighborhood [or other international venue where SBS installers might congregate], go up to the presenter and ask if you can make a small announcement asking for interest in a SBS consultants group.  Use Yahoogroups for a free listserve to help announce meetings and gather interest.  Meet in an office, a bar, a chamber of commerce, and if you are lucky and live near a Microsoft office, call them up and ask for meeting space there.  But don't let the fact that there isn't a Microsoft sales office near you stop you from starting your OWN localized resource of smart brains.  Start small and grow.  We all win when we realize we're not competing against each other.  Orlando Ayala said there were 300,000 units of SBS sold and as Steverino pointed out WE have a lot of work to do folks selling a heck of a lot more.  There's 22,000,000 small businesses in the United States, Steverino says.  By my count that means we have about 21,700,000 more SBS boxes to install. 

Get crackin' folks.  I want those installed by next Christmas.


A few technical difficulties in the last one ...but not bad for being virtual today

Today I had three live meeting events.  The first one was one that I had arranged with Stan Leszynski of the Leszynski Group giving an overview of Tablet PC.  Steven Lai, fellow SBS MVP and SF SBS user group gave me Stan's name.  Stan did an EXCELLENT presentation to the Technology Committee of the California Society of CPAS who were meeting in Irvine about how tablet PCs can be used... annotations...markups.... digital ink.  He did a great presentation on Tablet PC technology.  Prior to that I had asked Karen Christian who brought along Jeff Adzima [hopefully I spelled that right] and they did an in person demonstration of Sharepoint.  John Levy said that it wasn't as full featured as Lacerte's Document Management system.  But John needs to understand that Lacerte was specifically built for CPAs.... Hmmm. but still might be a comment worth passing along to the Sharepoint folks for comparison to/benchmarking to.

The second meeting was “me” talking about Office Live meeting, the pricing, how it worked, how easy it was to get started, uploading the Powerpoint deck, sharing out the desktop and what not.  I even pointed to Scoble's blog where he says that some of the people doing those Official [and free] Microsoft webcasts may be doing them in their PJ's.  I couldn't make it down to the meeting but I could present to the group using Live Meeting [which I was showcasing] and we used a speakerphone.

Last but not least was our Live Meeting to SBS User Group.  Anne Stanton and I are big into patch management and she asked if I could do a Live meeting to her group tonight.  So I fired up the Live Meeting, booked the event for tonight and right at 5 tonight, launched the Live Meeting.  We had one technical problem.  Because the Live meeting that I have only includes phone connection and not VOIP like Microsoft uses, and because where she was tonight only had one bar of cell phone coverage, and because I'm a paranoid wacko and won't do Skype, and because I was at the office I had no microphone equipment to do it out the Instant Messenger and because...well you get the idea.... so we improvised.  I'm a quick typist and I typed the comments I would have made over the phone via Instant Messenger, with Anne filling in color commentary as needed.  So it wasn't exactly the most shining moment of the use of technology, but considering the road blocks put in our way, I'd say the days use of Office Live Meeting was a success nonetheless.

hmmmm.... think I will have Anne update her blog posting to say “Susan Via Instant Messenger”  :-)

NEW SBS User group in Phoenix

Michael Cocanower pings me and asks if I can announce that he's scheduled their first meeting for November 10, 2004 at the
Phoenix Microsoft Office:
2929 North Central Avenue, Suite 1400
Phoenix, AZ  85012

Here is the registration link

If you are an SBSer in Phoenix, SIGN UP!

Small Business Server Users Group Meeting

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:00 PM - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:00 PM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Welcome Time: 4:45 PM

Language: English-American

Microsoft Office - Phoenix
2929 North Central Avenue, Suite 1400
Phoenix Arizona 85012
United States

General Event Information
Products: Small Business Server.

Recommended Audience: IT Professional, Partner and Technology Decision Maker.

Please join us for the official kick off of the Arizona SMB User Group!
This new group is being formed to provide a forum for administrators, resellers, consultants, partners and professionals dedicated to furthering the use and knowledge of Microsoft Small Business Server as a reference platform for SMB relationships.
Our goal is to provide monthly meetings, information exchange, demos, study groups, and local peer support.  This group will help you to connect with others (technical/non-technical) interested in learning about, working with and using Microsoft Small Business Server. To share information and to help one another in the resolution of issues that arise. To stay abreast of changes in the industry and understand their impact on our businesses.
SBS Partners of varying skill levels are invited to get together to share ideas, meet other SBSers, and discuss Microsoft Small Business Server and other SMB technologies, as well as, business issues related to the SMB sector.

The SBS Newsgroups Posting FAQ

<< The SBS Newsgroups Posting FAQ >>

The following tips are designed to help you get the fastest
and most appropriate answer to your questions.

Following these tips will help us to help you.

- Post to the appropriate newsgroup -

For SBS 4/4.5: microsoft.public.backoffice.smallbiz
For SBS 2000 : microsoft.public.backoffice.smallbiz2000
For SBS 2003 :

Microsoft News Server:

The SBS Newsgroups provide a free forum for threaded discussion
and peer support on issues related to Small Business Server by
users, service providers and interested parties.

Please remember when posting that non Microsoft people don't get
paid to be here, and MVPs are -not- Microsoft employees.

- Who are the Microsoft MVPs ? -
Frequently asked Questions about the Microsoft MVP Program

Everyone here is giving generously and freely of their time, experience
and expertise to enhance the Small Business Server Community.

Join it, support it, respect it and enjoy it. - SBS Rocks !
- A Web interface to the SBS 2003 newsgroup is at -

You'll find the Rules of conduct on the Microsoft Website at:
Welcome to Microsoft Discussion Groups

- Do some advanced research for previously posted solutions -

( It's most likely been posted and solved before. )

Advanced Google Search:

Advanced Google Groups Search of the Usenet archives:

Advanced Microsoft Search
Note: You can also just enter a KB Number , Q Number or Error Number

Search via an Error Event ID

Your Public Interface:

View your network settings on Servers and Workstations:
Start > Run > cmd : ipconfig /all

View your Ports Status:
Start > Run > cmd : netstat -an

- Post with a meaningful subject line so those with expertise or interest
in the topic can find it quickly.
Posting with a purely attention seeking topic such as "DISASTER"
or "No-One Ever Responds to Me" may get you noticed -once-
but is likely to get you ignored or dropped in future.

Remember: -everyone's- issue is important to them, so queue jumping
certainly won't enhance anyone's opinion of you within the newsgroup,
and you may need their help again sometime.

- If posting a Question, post with sufficient information for a complete
stranger to understand your SBS version, environment; your issue, what you
have tried and what failed. You're not cutting down on the typing as you'll
be asked anyway, and it can only enhance the speed to diagnosis and resolution.

Please state all messages and IDs in failure notices and/or in the event viewers.
Also what may have been installed/changed/updated prior to or during the issue.

A secondary benefit to this is that in correctly framing the question,
the resolution often presents itself.

Stating your SBS version ( 4, 4.5, 2000, 2003 ) is particularly important as is
whether your SBS 2003 is Standard or Premium and whether you have ISA installed.

- Posting In capitals on is considered SHOUTING! ...Please don't.

- Don't overlook or discount Paid Support.
If the Issue is urgent or complex, the time you spend searching for a "free"
solution. ...and cost factors such as Worker Downtime, Customer Irritation,
Lost Productivity, and Hair Replacement costs will likely far outweigh the
cost of a support call to Microsoft PSS (Product Support Services ) or a
local IT Support Professional with experience in Small Business Server.

Note: Hot-fixes are free of charge. Just ask for the specific Hot-fix.

- It's difficult to convey human emotions on Usenet (Humour, Pathos,
Sarcasm, Tongue-In-Cheek ) so use of emoticons and/or acronym tags is advised.
.... and no; you -don't- have to be serious all the time.
It's a community. Enjoy !

- There are many paths to a solution and as many experiences in getting
there as there are posters.

Sometimes the paths are well worn, tried and true. Sometimes paths diverge,
sometimes converge and sometimes new trails are blazed. Understand and respect
that and use what suits you and your particular situation.

Posting back the solution that helped you will help others
with similar scenarios and issues and add to the overall knowledgebase.

- People are different, but people are people -  you should be nice to them.
This is a technical newsgroup and not a place for Egos or Flame Wars.
As a community we try to leave them at the door and respect each other.
What you post here is archived and available to anyone, anytime.

Remember: ...."Please don't feed the Trolls!"

- Newsgroups are not your only source of Information / Help.

Many of the members of the Small Business Server Community
provide support via Websites, Lists and Blogs such as: ( Susan's Links to all things SBS) ( Mariette's SBS Website and Forum ) ( Andy's SBS Articles & Resources ) ( Wayne's Website )

Small Business Server Groups on Yahoo. ( SBS Forum on Yahoo )

Blogs by: Chad, Charlie, Kevin, Susan

The Microsoft SBS Websites:
Small Business Server Homepage for all sorts of Information,
Demos, Whitepapers Upgrades, Migrations Events and Training

Small Business Community Sharepoint Site:

- Don't be shy about posting a Question ....or an Answer.
SBS encompasses a lot and has been known to make even corporate
SysAdmins Cringe and MCSEs cry. None of us knows all the answers.

We were all "Newbies" once and none of us has experience with every
permutation, combination, setup and environment SBS is deployed in,
so there are -no- stupid or dumb questions. That's the domain of
answers that imply that there are.

If you're asking a question and know the answer to another one on the
page, muck in and post it. The poster may get a faster resolution than they
would have, and an additional member may get a response
they wouldn't have otherwise

Your solution may be a something that we can all learn from.
- What goes around, comes around.-

- It's not only Break/Fix. Anecdotes, Wishlists, Insights and Brickbats
are all grist to the mill of SBS Topics and all on-topic for the community.

- Don't Multi-post*.
( * the same Posting within different newsgroups or within the same thread.)

If you must post to several newsgroups, Cross-post to just the relevant ones.
A response in one will then show up in the others and all can follow the thread.

- Be patient.
Newsgroups are not Instant Messaging, and people aren't on-line just waiting
for you to post. If the situation -is- that urgent, then Paid Support will pay
for itself. Remember: No-one owes you a response.

- Things get missed.
Things do get lost or missed, or someone with the appropriate skills
or experience may not be available, so if you haven't had a response
after 3 Days or so, post again, perhaps with more detail and things
you've tried in the interim.

- Lastly, -enjoy- and remember, SBS Rocks !

For and on behalf of the SBS Community.
SBS FAQ Poster


...she's netweaving again....

My buddy Anne Stanton is out netweaving again.  She brings up an interesting point about checking out “incubators”.  We have a project here in Fresno called the “Central Valley Business Incubator” and I'll be giving a talk on computer security to the organization next month.

If you are a SBSer... follow Anne's sage advice.... start a little “netweaving” [what's in it for “them” not just “me”] and check out the “Business incubators” in your area.  Contact the SBA and see if they give presentations.  Get in front of Rotary and Chambers of Commerce.  Pass out those business cards!

SMB nation in your future?

SMB nation conference this year will be in Seattle in September.  Anne Stanton and I will be there..... will you?  Last year's SMBnation was a really cool experience... like my experiences with my fellow MVPs, it was event where you can talk SBS/SMB shop for days and no one rolls their eyes at all....100% geek speak!  Sign up now for space at the Red Lion Hotel!

It takes a village.....

One of the blogs that I like to read is Church of the Customer blog, this comment was made in a recent blog entry:   “Your knowledge is of inconsequential future value if kept largely to yourself”

You know that's one cool thing about the Small Business Server Community that I hang with.   The brain power of the folks that I have the wonderful gift of hanging around with and the stuff they have rubbed off on me.   

Thanks folks.  This SBSer uses your collective experiences in the newsgroup to be a better SBSer.  Because we all share and pitch in, we all win.  [Can you tell I'm big on “community”  :-) ]

Lately we've been building SBS Usergroups [reseller groups] as well.  So if you are interested in getting together with a group of like minded folks to swap and share information, give me a ping.  It's sort of like “Field of Dreams“ movie... if you build them... they will come! 

My email address is sbradcpa[removethis]


Checklist for setting up User Groups

 Daniel Curry sent me this on setting up Usergroups
a. Meetings:
[ ] Current meeting info? Is it prominent?
[ ] Day of the week? Beginning time? Ending time?
[ ] Double-checked day/date matches against a calendar?
(E.g., is the "Friday, March 28" you listed an error, because the 28th
is a Thursday?)
[ ] Location?
[ ] Map?
[ ] Directions (car, public transit)? Parking tips?
[ ] Information on the next several meetings?
[ ] RSVP mailto link on meetings where this is needed?
[ ] Note that meetings are free and open to the public (if they are)?
[ ] If there's a special fee, is it disclosed next to the event listing?
[ ] If location / time / date formula has changed recently, is this
noted prominently?
[ ] Have you checked for event conflicts with other nearby groups, or
with holidays?

b. General:
[ ] Includes event date-formulas (e.g., 4th Tuesdays)? Prominently?
[ ] Maintainer mailto link?
[ ] Last-revised date?

c. Periodically (maybe every quarter):
[ ] Checked all links on your site for dead links?
[ ] Checked your Web server's logs for pages requested but not found?
(You'll want to put a referral page at that URL.)
[ ] Read all your Web content attentively for outdated content?

2. Other, periodical:
[ ] Reviewed/updated all UG lists that have entries concerning your
[ ] Reviewed all sites that link to yours? Advised their webmasters of
needed corrections?

New SBS user group - Northern NJ - Orange County, NY Area

 An SBS User Group is forming in the Northern NJ - Orange County, NY Area.
(we also welcome anyone else with-in driving distance).

If you are interested e-mail

Be kind and include your name, mailing address, phone and e-mail, and web