April 2004 - Posts

So I'm reading Channel 9.....

And realizing that there's a SBS question in there.... http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=5559#5559   and realize that it's only us true geeks that "get" newsgroups and NNTP.

We need to do something better to get information to people.  NNTP is not cutting it, IMHO.


Webcast on IIS - I know enough about IIS to know I don't know enough about IIS

This session reviews the evolution of Internet Information Services (IIS) to its current iteration -- version 6.0 -- and how IIS 6.0 has measured up to customer expectations since its release in April 2003. IIS 6.0 built on a new architecture, but this architecture has a few areas where improvements can be built-in. The system administration capabilities include a new Edit-While-Running feature but the metabase has a difficult to read XML schema. The scalability lacks a clear path above 8 processors and IIS needs to optimize performance in this area. Up to, and including all of these, IIS 6.0 is a new and revolutionary product. This session will cover the delta between what was delivered and what has been learned and help you our customer know the areas where Microsoft needs to build for future IIS versions.

Small Business Server KB articles

837369 - "The list of users and computers could not be found" during client network configuration on Windows Small Business Server 2003 [Bug 16533]:
[psssst  I wouldn't exactly call this a bug]

838432 - Access Violation in the Docsredir.exe process when you redirect the My Documents folder to a computer that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003:

837370 - The Small Business Server 2003 Secure Attachments Tool fails with Event ID 5120:

Moving SBS 2003 Data Folders

Moving SBS 2003 Data Folders - These folders include: Users Shared Folders,
the Windows SharePointT Services and Monitoring databases, Exchange
databases and log files, Sent Faxes folder, and ClientApps shared folder.

This document provides step-by-step instructions for moving each of the
data folders for Windows Small Business Server 2003. You can choose to move
one or all of the data folders. For example, you can choose to move only
the Users Shared Folders and no other data folders. Additionally, it is not
necessary to move the data folders in the order presented in this document.
For example, you can choose to move the Exchange databases and log files on
one day and then the Users Shared Folders on another. However, it is
strongly recommended that you always complete and verify a full backup
before moving any data folders.

Download it here:
[Thanks Marie for that info!]

And now for something completely different......

Want to meet a few members of the SBS development team?  First up, SBS Release Manager and Volleyball ref Charles Anthe starts a blog   http://blogs.msdn.com/canthe/   A bit of SBS and smidge of Volleyball expertise.  And given that when I think of Volleyball, I personally think of beaches and sunshine certainly an interesting mix of topics thus far.  While Washington has been having a lot of that lately, that's not always the case.  Therefore that leads me to beleive that some of that must be inside on indoor Volleyball courts.   :-)

Next up is “Mr. Backup and Mobility“ [that's geek speak for “Sean's the guy you want to talk to if you have an issue with “fill in the blank _pocket PC, Smart phone, you name it“ talking with SBS], Sean Daniel.  Sean doesn't have a blog, but he has a web site http://www.seandaniel.com.  [Running on SBS 2003 we should note] and if you surf around a bit you'll find out that a bit of congrats to Sean and Kendra are in order too ;-) 

You'll find Sean and Charlie also in the Yahoogroups every now and then checking out what's going on with SBS.

So here's just a bit about two members of the team that bring you a little server that can do a lot.

Small Business Server 2003 resources on Tech Net

Microsoft TechNet: Windows Small Business Server 2003 Resources:

Just a reminder to check out the area on TechNet devoted to SBS 2003.  Especially the release notes.  Many times a quick pre-read before installation would solve a lot of our problems.


Is your server's DHCP being renamed to "mshome.net" and getting Event ID: 30013 in your log files?

I had something unusual happen on my server.  I would receive error messages in my log files indicating that my DHCP server was shutting down and when I would go in and look at the DHCP scope, it would suddenly rename my domain name “mshome.net”.  I've put screen shots up on my website to show you want it looked like:  http://www.sbslinks.com/mshome.htm   A couple of other people in the newsgroups were having the same issues. 

Looks like we've tracked it down to the RRAS NAT/Firewall's internal DHCP firing up and interfering with the Windows/SBS DHCP.  What I think occurred is that because I DID NOT run the “Configure remote access wizard”.  Combine that with throwing a lot of beta's on this box and rebooting on a daily basis because I don't treat this test system like a “real” server and it runs more like a workstation and the RRAS's NAT firewall's “Address assignment” got checked and because it's a DHCP allocator as well, the SBS box naturally shuts off it's own DHCP.

To fix this, and with the expert guidance of Wes from SBS PSS support out of Charlotte, I disabled the RRAS firewall, stopped the DHCP services, renamed the DHCP folder underneath the windows/system32 folder, restarted the DHCP services, went to the DHCP snap in and using the DHCP wizard rebuilt the scope.  Then I reran the Internet connection wizard, ensuring that I chose to “enable the firewall” to allow the RRAS NAT firewall to be “rewizardized”.  I then this time ran the “Configure remote access wizard” to ensure that both wizards affecting the RRAS Nat firewall would be run. 

RRAS is now not setting up a DHCP server and the SBS server is being the DHCP.

Big thanks to Wes for his expert assistance.  Moral of this story?  Always ask for SBS support when you call PSS.  :-)

Small Biz Server Knowledge base articles

827603 - Remote users cannot see a Windows Small Business Server 2003 computer in My Network Places:
840415 - How to install Office Live Communications Server 2003 in Windows Small Business Server 2003:
838176 - "Setup failed while installing sub-component Base DAV protocol" error message when you install Windows Small Business Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2003:

Collaboration thoughts .... and other stuff

“The best leaders are very often the best listeners.  They have an open mind.  They are not interested in having their own way but in finding the best way“ - Wilfred Peterson

I saw this on an email and like the saying.  It reminds me of the true story my Sister told me the other day.  She was in a leadership class and two groups were organized to perform a task.  One was a group with traditional leadership style.... Managers at the top with clear definition of authority,  and the person at the top was a traditonal manager.  The other group was made up of a non-traditional leadership style and the person in charge normally was the public relations person for a department.  One the Chief, One a People person.  One group very obviously the “traditional” pyramid style, the other the “non-traditional” collaboration style.

Their job?  To put together two matching lego toys.  The instructor gave this lego toy to each group and timed how long it took for each group to put together the toy.  My sister was in the collaboration group and she said that the Leader in her group put the box on the middle of the table and instructed the group that they had to put the toy together and they were being timed on it.  Her group immediately started opening the box, one person looking at the instructions, another sorting the blocks.  One person said “My kids do this all the time and you just follow the pictures”.  Every now and then her group's leader would pipe up and provide a bit of guidance or  advice.  They soon put the Lego toy together and announced to the Instructor that they were done.

They looked across to the “traditional leadership” group.  And there across the room, their Lego box was barely opened, the leader still reading the instructions.  The toy was a long way from being complete.

My Sister's leader “empowered” her members to take an active role and to collaborate on the project.  They identified the areas that they were able to excel in and quickly and without issues divided up duties.  The traditional leader controlled the project.  Duties were not divided.  Individuals did not identify their strengths and take part in the project.  They were waiting for their leader to hand them a role and nothing happened.

The moral to this story?  Empower people.  You might be surprised what can happen!

..yes this should be installed on a SBS 2003 box

A recent rollup patch just came out for Exchange server 2003.  The first question that comes up is “Is this for SBS 2003“?  The answer is anything that is for “normal“ Exchange 2003 is for us. 

838236 - How to obtain the Exchange Server 2003 post-RTM Store rollup:
This includes the fix for the Titanium error [event 8331] as well.

Also the EHLO blog has a “customized Mailbox limit - quota messages” for Exchange post today!  Check it out here http://blogs.msdn.com/exchange/archive/2004/04/20/117024.aspx

KC Lemson also talks about it on her blog here:  http://blogs.msdn.com/kclemson/archive/2004/04/20/117027.aspx

[update] These are also included in Exchange 2003 sp1

Small Business Server KBs

830253 - Migrating from Small Business Server 4.5 or Windows NT Server 4.0 to Windows Small Business Server 2003:

331072 - DNS error when you add a Windows XP-based computer to a Small Business Server 2000 domain:


April 13, 2004
Today Microsoft released the following Security Bulletins.

Note: www.microsoft.com/technet/security and www.microsoft.com/security are authoritative in all matters concerning Microsoft Security Bulletins! ANY
e-mail, web board or newsgroup posting (including this one) should be
verified by visiting these sites for official information. Microsoft never
sends security or other updates as attachments. These updates must be
downloaded from the microsoft.com download center or Windows Update. See the individual bulletins for details.

Because some malicious messages attempt to masquerade as official Microsoft security notices, it is recommended that you physically type the URLs into your web browser and not click on the hyperlinks provided.

Bulletin Summaries:

Windows: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/winapr04.mspx

Critical Bulletins:

MS04-011 - Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732)

MS04-012 - Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM (828741)

MS04-013 - Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (837009)

Important Bulletins:

MS04-014 - Vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow
Code Execution (837001)

Re-Released Bulletins:
The following bulletins have been re-released to advise of the availability
of updates for various versions of Microsoft Exchange Server. Please see the
bottom of each bulletin for revision information.

MS00-082 - Patch Available for 'Malformed MIME Header' Vulnerability

MS01-041 - Malformed RPC Request Can Cause Service Failure

MS02-011 - Authentication Flaw Could Allow Unauthorized Users To
Authenticate To SMTP Service

MS03-046 - Vulnerability in Exchange Server Could Allow Arbitrary Code
Execution (829436)

This represents our regularly scheduled monthly bulletin release (second
Tuesday of each month). Please note that Microsoft may release bulletins out
side of this schedule if we determine the need to do so.

If you have any questions regarding the patch or its implementation after
reading the above listed bulletin you should contact Product Support
Services in the United States at 1-866-PCSafety (1-866-727-2338).
International customers should contact their local subsidiary.

Just a reminder - Security bulletins day

Today is the second Tuesday of the month and you know what that means boys and girls?  .... okay how about SBSers?  It's Patch day!  Stay tuned to this blog channel to see if there are Security patches to come out today that we will need to worry about!

SBS Knowledge base articles of interest

830254 - How to move the client programs folder to another location in Windows Small Business Server 2003:

828053 - ISA Server prevents connection to a remote desktop when you connect through Remote Web Workplace on a Windows Small Business Server 2003-based computer:

830044 - Macintosh users cannot connect to Outlook Web Access (OWA) when OWA is hosted on Windows Small Business Server 2003:

838304 - How to publish http://Companyweb to the Internet by using ISA Server 2000 on a server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003, Premium Edition:

839262 - Services may stop abruptly when you shut down or restart a Windows Small Business Server 2003-based computer:

Sharepoint KB articles of interest

837849 - How to add an icon to Windows SharePoint Services to represent Adobe PDF documents that are stored in document libraries:

825513 - How to use the SharePoint Administrator to upgrade to FrontPage 2002 server extensions on Windows Server 2003:

839048 - "Could not instantiate control SharePoint:ProjectProperty" error message when you view a Windows SharePoint Services Web page:

The site to order the BizTalk add on for SBS 2003 Premium customers

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 Offer Now Available for
Small Business Server Customers

If you are a Small Business Server Premium Edition customer, you are qualified to receive one license of Microsoft© BizTalk™ Server 2004 Partner Edition with Microsoft Office InfoPath™ 2003 at no additional charge.


Accurate Accounting

I really enjoy following the blog of Joe Wilcox of Jupermedia.  Today's post was about the credibility of the number of security patches as reported by Microsoft.  In his blog entry, Joe went into a bit more detail as to what methodology he used to count his number of patches and when I got to this part..... “The list of security alerts is here, for anyone that would like to do a count. I count 15 alerts, including one for Small Business Server 2003, which is at the core is Windows Server 2003. “ When I read that part, I knew he had counted at least one security bulletin wrong.

Security bulletin 04-001 caught my eye as well when it first came out because it specifically DOES list Small Business Server 2003 and anytime SBS and security bulletin are in the same sentence my alarm bells go off. 

Now maybe it's just an indication of how sick I am, but I know for a fact without even checking the website that 04-001 is actually an ISA server patch.  If they ever come out with a Security bulletin version of Trivial Pursuit, I am going to kick some ...... well you know.  03-026 - msblast.  03-029 caused RRAS issues in SBS 4.5 the first time out.  04-002 - first Exchange 2k3.  04-001 may mention SBS but that one's ISA. 

But I don't think the ISA server folks would label 04-001 as a Windows server patch, nor would I think that the Server folks would label it as one as well.  Futhermore, if you knew SBS 2003, you would know that 04-001 only truly affects SBS 2k3 Premium [not standard] and even on the Premium platform, since most of us SBSers never used the H323 stuff in the first place, they turned it off until we do need it.  Thus if you wanted to get technical about it, we aren't really vulnerable for 04-001 in the first place. 

So if I were Joe, I wouldn't be including 04-001 in any count of a Windows Server patch.  In fact, Joe might be wise to use instead an external third party site that is an industry trusted site for information on security bulletins be used to put this arguement once an for all to rest.  Why doesn't both Jupiter Media and Microsoft have Eric Schultze declare the true count?  And then both of them can stop with the “spinning” and get back to Microsoft making it easier to patch. 

Me being...well me... I emailed Joe and pointed this out. 

In the meantime, we have come a long way, but we have a long way to go.  Not too long ago you couldn't put Software Update Services on a domain controller.  Now we've got a specific SBS “how to“ whitepaper. 

As for straight talk on patches, I'll go with Eric Schultze/Shavlik's database of Windows Server 2003 patches.

I count 12.

Description Date
MS04-007 :  ASN.1 Vulnerability Could Allow Code Execution (828028) 2004/02/10
MS04-006 :  Vulnerability in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) Could Allow Code Execution (830352) 2004/02/10
MS03-045 :  Buffer Overrun in the ListBox and in the ComboBox Control Could Allow Code Execution (824141) 2003/10/15
MS03-044 :  Buffer Overrun in Windows Help and Support Center Could Lead to System Compromise (825119) 2003/10/15
MS03-043 :  Buffer Overrun in Messenger Service Could Allow Code Execution (828035) 2003/10/15
MS03-041 :  Vulnerability in Authenticode Verification Could Allow Remote Code Execution (823182) 2003/10/15
MS03-039 :  Buffer Overrun In RPCSS Service Could Allow Code Execution (824146) 2003/09/10
MS03-037 :  Flaw in Visual Basic for Applications Could Allow Arbitrary Code execution (822715) 2003/09/03
MS03-034 :  Flaw in NetBIOS Could Lead to Information Disclosure (824105) 2003/09/03
MS03-030 :  MS03-030 : Unchecked Buffer in DirectX Could Enable System Compromise (819696) 2003/07/23
MS03-026 :  Buffer Overrun In RPC Interface Could Allow Code Execution (823980) 2003/07/16
MS03-023 :  Buffer Overrun In HTML Converter Could Allow Code Execution (823559) 2003/07/09

And another, this might be interesting.....

I have a RSS feed that monitors the Microsoft download site and here is another one of those, hmmm .... this looks interesting... let be blogify it for later and deal with it later in the month.  :-)

[SBS has Sharepoint you know]

The Document Library Event Handler Toolkit (EventHandlerToolkit.exe) download introduces developers to the Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint™ Services list events feature for document libraries.

This might come in handy.....

Recently, SBSer Harry Brelsford sent out notficiation that us SBSers would be eligible for the BizTalk Partner edition.  Since I don't even know what the BizTalk “normal“ edition does, this document might come in handy!  :-)

The BizTalk Server Tutorial contains detailed information about how Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 can be used within your company to facilitate Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and among business partners to automate business-to-business processes.

If you got an unexpected BSOD - Trend Micro was the issue....

If you got an unexpected BSOD - Trend Micro was the issue....

 Based on the memory dump, we have identified the blue screen is caused by
"TmXPFlt.sys". This file belongs to TrendMicro and it is dated Mar 30
04:35:10 2004.

We will report this issue back to Trend Micro for further analysis. If you
run into the problem at this point, please contact TrendMicro for further


Trend Micro plans to release Scan Engine 7.0 in ActiveUpdate according
to this schedule:

Japan: Apr 1 10:00 am (GMT+8)

Global: Apr 2 10:00 am (GMT+8)