Friday, May 13, 2005 - Posts

The password is......

True Story.

Private school recently implemented/installed new computers and gave them passwords for security so only those authorized Teachers could get into the computers.  In the Auditorium/Cafeteria there is a computer attached to a projector and one of the Teachers needed to get into the system and said to the Principal, “hey I need to get into this system

There in the filled Auditorium/Cafeteria with children in the room... the Principal loudly said across the room for all to hear....

The password is .....”

And now everyone in the room knew the password.

So simple really... it's something that should be private.  And yet so quickly it's lost it's value.  Once it's known by all, it's auditability, it's accountability, all of it's value is gone.

Passwords are a foundation of our Computer security and yet just today...when I asked someone to think of a password for an online research site, he hemmed and hawed and couldn't think of a solid password.  You know we keep saying that our Software vendors need to learn secure coding techniques...maybe WE need to go to “password” classes.

Eric's blog the other day had a story about passwords and security and how little it was valued.

Passwords 101.  In my mind we can't teach it soon all of us out here.

Top you agree?

CNN came out with a listing of top 25 technology innovations....they are:

1. The Internet
2. Cell phone
3. Personal computers
4. Fiber optics
5. E-mail
6. Commercialized GPS
7. Portable computers
8. Memory storage discs
9. Consumer level digital camera
10. Radio frequency ID tags
11. MEMS
12. DNA fingerprinting
13. Air bags
14. ATM
15. Advanced batteries
16. Hybrid car
17. OLEDs
18. Display panels
19. HDTV
20. Space shuttle
21. Nanotechnology
22. Flash memory
23. Voice mail
24. Modern hearing aids
25. Short Range, High Frequency Radio

pssst...what the heck is MEMS aka microelectromechanical system at number 11?