Chatting with my fellow MVPs this week and there was a statement that just stuck out at me:

“Ever since I got my smartphone I find that having cool gadgets to show clients really pays by itself (the “wow” factor)“

Your small business clients are the from the “showme” capital of the Universe.  Now first off a gadget like this is indeed a business purchase so it will be deductible in your business.  In us beancounter country we'd tell you it's capitalizable and you can take Section 179 depreciation expense on the item.

But like Javier said, it's more than just a business asset, it's the WOW factor.  It's the 'this just works'.  If you notice I don't blog much on Smart phones because I don't have one...but does and there will be a TON of mobility features in Exchange 2003 sp2 [along with the answer to the 16 gig Exchange store as we go to 75 gigs]

I know that when I was up at Microsoft last week, I could NOT have had quite the successful meeting that I did without me having my WOW and Microsoft folks having their WOW.  My WOW is a Acer Travelmate C110 Tablet PC with a Cingular cellular pcmcia card [which in fairness, I think Verizon may be faster, but it's still better than having NO internet access].  Their WOW was having...what phones.  So we were able to communicate and make last minute organizational plans/logistical changes and everything went like clockwork.

Furthermore, I think I single handledly sold a couple of Tablet PCs to those in attendance.  I love my travel baby because I can be typing and the guy in front of me on the plane can lean back and I don't suddenly think that the laptop screen will be broken into a million pieces.

So what “WOW” have you shown your client lately?