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This blog is closed. The cuckoo is dead. Good-bye.

It was not an easy decision, and I didn't make it lightly. I've thought this through long and carefully. Maybe I'll start blogging again in the future, maybe not.

The reason? It's not a single event, but rather a slowly emerging process that's made me feel fed up. I have my ideals and goals, which I've been trying for over a year to convey on these pages, with a varying degree of success. Lately, however, I've noticed a growing trend where these ideals and goals are becoming less accepted. Big names in the business now advocate solutions that I cannot stand behind.

The problem with spamming morons that forced me to disable comments also plays a part, of course. A blog without dialogue is rather pointless. I now realise that it's too much work to rewrite the system the way I planned to. Using a ready-made blog software is not an option, for several reasons.

I know that there are some who read this blog regularly, and who have faithfully waited for me to get going again. Naturally I'm very sorry to disappoint you, but please do not write and try to change my mind. Once I've made my mind up, it's done.

There are also a number of people who are likely to be pleased to hear that my rants and acidic posts are over (although it's rather unclear who's been forcing you to read my blog against your will). You don't need to contact me, either. Glee doesn't work very well on me anyway.

I'll probably continue to be active on one or two discussion forums, and it's likely that I'll comment on other people's blogs occasionally.

The domain name is paid for several years more, and the web host is paid for at least six months more. It's possible that I'll let the blog stay on after that, if there's still any interest in some of the articles.

But those of you who subscribe to the news feeds can unsubscribe, and those who have been kind enough to include me in your blog rolls probably ought to remove my blog now.

Finally, I'd like to thank all of you who have supported and encouraged my eccentric excesses in various ways. A very special thanks, of course, goes to those who have devoted time and energy to translate some of my articles into other languages.

Thank you, I'm out.




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