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by Applicure Technologies Ltd
Platforms: FreeBSD, Linux, Perl (any system supporting perl), PHP, Solaris
Categories: Access Control, Auditing, Filtering, Firewall, Firewall, FreeBSD, Hardening, Intrusion Detection, Linux, Network, Policy Enforcement, Solaris, Web, Web Access
Version: 2.1
dotDefender secures websites against a broad range of HTTP-based attacks, including Session attacks (e.g. Denial of Service), Web application attacks (e.g. SQL injection, Cross-site scripting, and known attack signatures), as well as requests originating from known attack sources ( e.g. spammer bots and compromised servers). easily installed, dotDefender requires minimal administrator maintanance and updates via a "live update" functionality that keeps its rule set up to date, enabling it to secure the Web environment from the moment it is deployed. dotDefender is cost-effective and is available for a 30 day evaluation period at

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