Change Brightness


Angus Higgins
This application uses a trackbar to change the brightness of a picture. I have used a ColorMatrix to make the conversion quick, this application uses .NET 2.0, I don't have a conversion into .NET 1.1, so if anyone wants to make one, just e-mail it to me, and I'll add it to this thread. This application is good for anyone wanting to learn how to use a ColorMatrix, I have to say, a very helpful tool in picture manipulation.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR><BR>Angus Higgins
Posted by Angus // Tue, Aug 9, 2005 5:41 AM

This application uses a trackbar to change the brightness of a picture. I have used a ColorMatrix to make the conversion quick, this application uses .NET 2.0, I don't have a conversion into .NET 1.1, so if anyone wants to make one, just e-mail it to me, and I'll add it to this thread. This application is good for anyone wanting to learn how to use a ColorMatrix, I have to say, a very helpful tool in picture manipulation.


Angus Higgins