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Friday, September 09, 2005 - Posts

The Microsoft.com team tell you all

I've just noticed this great blog from the Microsoft.com team.  Their first blog entry describes th infrastructre of Microsoft.com, how many servers, how big the pipes are (Biig) 150 million downloads per day.  Phew. Certanly a blog worth
posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments

The TechNet Index

I've been sent a mail about how TechNet has been organised to make it much more easy to navigate the site.  I've had a browse during today and I'm impressed.  here are some of the features: TechNet Indexes have been placed onto http://microsoft.com/technet/index. 

Bill Gates chats to Channel 9 - without socks

Robert Scoble gets to chat to Bill Gates for 15 minutes on Channel 9.  Its an interesting interview and has a few insights about Bill's 10 and 15 year vision for software, and where he thinks we're headed. He talks about XML and development initiatives