Jewish Museum Berlin - Board of Directors

Gesellschaft: board of directors

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Tatjana Bartsch
Tel: +49 (0)30 259 93 436
Fax: +49 (0)30 259 93 432


"Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin e.V." - Board of Directors

Prof. Dr. Michael Naumann, President of the Board

Dr. Klaus Mangold, Vice-President of the Board

Klaus Krone, Treasurer

Dr. Gerd v. Brandenstein

Dr. Walter Kuna

Dr. Sybille Naumann, CEO of the Association

Dr. Marie Warburg

Prof. Dr. W. Michael Blumenthal

Opening hours:

The museum is open daily from:
10 to 8, Mondays from 10 to 10.
(closed: 9/13+14, 9/22, 12/24)