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You can then tune in to these stations.

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Other than the popular tags above you can browse the global tag chart or search for a tag to listen to above. Radio Rocks! Player

It also boogies, raps, jives, shakes its booty, and sings opera. All at once, in a high-quality (128kbps) MP3 stream.

Welcome to personalized radio, where the DJ is a computer that picks the best songs to play you. You can skip songs you don't like, and your musical profile updates accordingly.

All you need to tune in is the Player, a small, free, open source application that connects to our network to play music just for you.

Download the Player

How to Tune In Radio Buttons

With the Player installed (see left), you can click the various radio buttons dotted around the site. These buttons play radio relevant to the page you are visiting.

For example, you can visit someone's user page and click the "personal radio" button, and the Player will start playing songs from that person's profile.

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