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E-mail authentication gaining steam
A host of software companies, security firms and Internet service providers meet in Chicago to urge corporations and bulk e-mail senders to adopt authentication technologies.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-04-20

Browsers feel the fuzz
Security researchers are starting to aim network fuzzers away from servers and toward browsers, finding that dozens of flaws have been missed.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-04-12

Groups argue over merits of flaw bounties
Vulnerability researchers like getting paid for their research, but software companies criticize the programs. Do vulnerability-purchasing initiatives make sense?
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-04-05

Seven arrested in online fraud crackdown
An ongoing investigation, dubbed Operation Rolling Stone by the U.S. Secret Service, has turned up links to the massive debit-card breaches that have worried banks and consumers.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-03-31

Patches released for zero-day IE threat
UPDATE: As hundreds of malicious Web sites attempt to exploit the most critical of two Internet Explorer flaws disclosed last week, two third-party firms release fixes to nix the threat.
See also: Thousands download third-party patches
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-03-28

Microsoft offers Apple security advice
Microsoft giving advice to Apple on software security? What next, a lecture on timely shipping of product?
By: Gavin Clarke, The Register 2006-03-24

Check Point calls off Sourcefire buy
Citing an ongoing investigation into the deal by the U.S. Treasury Department, the companies decide to call it quits.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-03-24

Debit-card fraud underscores legal loopholes
UPDATE: Three major data leaks in the last six months are likely responsible for a recent spate of debit-card fraud, but in two cases, no one has come forward to take responsibility. Under current state laws, such silence may be legal.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-03-20

Virus names likely a lost cause
The Common Malware Enumeration Project clears up confusion for responders, but racing to name the latest virus in the media will continue to be the norm.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-03-09

Antivirus groups fight over Crossover sharing
A young antivirus group's attempts to leverage a rare exclusive virus discovery into greater membership has earned it criticism from the old guard of antivirus companies.
By: Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-03-03

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