TechNet Archive

Welcome to the TechNet Archive. We've created this Archive area so that we can continue to make available older content that is still of interest to some of our users. This allows us to streamline the content offerings on the site and keep it focused on the newest, most relevant content.

We offer this content as-is, without warranty that it is still technically accurate. Note that the content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. Follow the table of contents links in the left frame to get archived content on the following topics:

Commercial Internet System
Host Integration Server
Internet Explorer
Internet Information Server 3.0
Internet Information Server 4.0
Interoperability and Migration
IT Solutions
IT Tasks
Microsoft Mail
Personal Web Server
Project 98
Proxy Server
SNA Server
Systems Management Server
Transaction Server
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000 Server
Windows for Workgroups
Windows ME
Windows Media Services
Windows NT Embedded
Windows NT Server 4.0
Windows NT Terminal Server
Windows NT Workstation

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