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January 2006 - Posts

Free SAP Customer Workshops "How Microsoft Runs SAP" Munich on February 7, 2006 and in Brussels on February 9, 2006.

These courses rarely come to Europe - so if you're interested be quick! From the blurb:- We would like to invite you to attend the upcoming SAP Customer Workshop about How Microsoft Runs SAP. The same session will be held in Munich on February 7, 2006

SQL 2005 Metadata Samples Toolkit and whitepaper now available

Reposted 10/1/06 to include in 'free tools' category  I'm constantly asked "what's Microsoft doing about metadata and do we have a solution." In the old days (SQl 2000 and 7), Microsoft provided Meta Data Services, a platform designed to help tools

New Performance Troubleshooting Guide for SQL2005

Many things have changed with SQL 2005, correspondingly we have to change the way we think about troubleshooting performance problems.  The most significant change is the advent of the new Dynamic Management Views (DMV), these are going to take some

New SQL 2005 code samples available

I guess now the pressure is off to release the product we'll see more useful samples comming out of corp; here's a link to the latest December update: http://msdn.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/samples/default.aspx