Jewish Museum Berlin - Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events at the Jewish Museum Berlin

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Events and Tours


Juliane Grossmann
Tel: +49 (0)30 259 93 442
Fax: +49 (0)30 259 93 498


Antje Spielhagen
Tel: +49 (0)30 259 93 305
Fax: +49 (0)30 259 93 412


Current Events

Sigmund Freud – The Thinker of the 20th Century
Homage on His 150th Birthday
Talk by Micha Brumlik

In his new book (Beltz Publishers), the well-known educational scientist and journalist Micha Brumlik describes how Freud has made his mark on intellectual history: "Analog zu jenen klassischen Bildern vom Menschen, wie sie etwa Platon, der Apostel Paulus oder Descartes schufen, schuf auch Freud ein neues revolutionäres Bild vom Menschen…" (Analogous to the classical images of man as created by Plato, Paul the Apostle, or Descartes, Freud also created a new and revolutionary image of man…). Psychoanalysis and the theory of the unconscious mark Freud as a fore-sighted chronicler of his century. Brumlik asks whether Judaism’s contribution to European culture is not ultimately the founding of psychoanalysis.
When: 15 March 2006, 8 pm
Old Building 2nd floor, Concert Hall
7 euro, reduced rate 5 euro
Organized in cooperation with the Literaturhandlung Berlin.
Ticket reservation only on Tel.: +49 (0)30 882 42 50

Opening hours:

The museum is open daily from:
10 to 8, Mondays from 10 to 10.
(closed: 9/23+24, 10/2, 12/24)