Jewish Museum Berlin - "Dem Deutschen Volke" (To the German People): The Story of the Loevy Bronze Foundry from Berlin

Publication: "Dem Deutschen Volke" (To the German People): The Story of the Loevy Bronze Foundry from Berlin

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"Dem Deutschen Volke" (To the German People):
The Story of the Loevy Bronze Foundry from Berlin

With essays by Michael S. Cullen, Joachim Schlör, Armin D. Steuer, Harald Wetzel, and Raymond Wolff and a CD-ROM.

192 pages, with color illustrations, 14.90 euros
book cover
»Dem Deutschen Volke«
The bronze inscription was mounted on the Reichstag building in Berlin during the First World War - a commission for the purveyors to the court Albert and Siegfried Loevy. Founded in 1855, the S.A. Loevy foundry supplied impressive government buildings and private villas with fittings, inscriptions, and extravagantly designed door portals until its "Arisierung" (Aryanization) in 1939. This book follows the history of the Loevy family and company through the time of the empire up to the that of persecution under the National Socialist regime. It tells of the fates of individual family members - for example of Leo Kopf, choir conductor and composer or of Erich Gloeden who was sentenced to death by the People's Court in 1944 for hiding a General involved in the July 20 Hitler assassination attempt - in the name of the German people.

Opening hours:

The museum is open daily from:
10 to 8, Mondays from 10 to 10.
(closed: 9/13+14, 9/22, 12/24)