Sunday, September 25, 2005 - Posts

The 'other store'

We walked into the “other' store in San Francisco.  The Apple store.  And while one could argue that the tack that Microsoft has taken with it's 'open' platform that allows anyone to upgrade and build on the Windows platform, man could Microsoft take a page or two or three or four out of Apple's marketing playbook.

Young, hip.  With a presentation section that had a young woman talking about 'using' the Mac to the “Genius bar” that allowed you to book expertise to help you migrate data from one Mac to another Mac or... uh... migrate from a PC to a Mac. 

And with displays that are pleasing, uncluttered....not like the glaring, noisy, jarring Best Buy with the absolute information overload of varieties of Personal computers and laptops.  

Designs of systems that just are clean and stylish.  Don't tell Steve Foster this, but even challenges his Acer Ferrari laptop up for a coolness award.

Training just shoving stuff and warranties at you with blaring rock music in the background.

Mac, I have to give you guys hands down credit.... in the marketing and buzz department you kick.... you majorly kick.

Next stop Seattle

Sitting in the Emeryville train station waiting for the 10:12 Amtrak from Emeryville to Seattle...and Steve Foster and I are sharing out the Sony Ericsson Aircard between my laptop connection .... so the two of us are sitting here blogging him IMing to folks asking Steve ...why in the world is he taking the train when he could drive or fly there faster.. well mainly because I asked him to. 

I find that train travel is very relaxing and some of the routes even have WiFi...and well.. with the Aircard, we're sort of bringing our own.

Now if we could just figure out how to do streaming video of the season premier of Desparate Housewives we'd be all set......

Accepting risk

So sitting outside the Meteron in San Francisco where they have wireless network..... and here's what I had to agree with....

Acceptable Use Policy
This document provides a general description of this hot spot's policy on the Acceptable Use of this wireless public network.
Activities that adversely affect the ability of other people or systems to use this wireless network or the Internet are prohibited, including launching of denial of service attacks from your computer. Users of this wireless network shall not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from a minor or use this Service to harm a minor. A minor is defined as any person under the age of 18 years old.

Security Information and Liability Disclaimer

THIS SERVICE PROVIDER provides public wireless access to the internet.  Public wireless services are not inherently secure. Computer viruses, worms and other programs can damage the user's computer. Hackers may attempt to penetrate the user's computer and download information from the user's computer. Unprotected access to files on user's computer may be visible to hackers. Communications can be intercepted by equipment and software designed for that purpose. This network does not use WEP encryption. Operator of this hot spot strongly recommends that users of this wireless network take measures to ensure the security of their wireless connections, such as VPNs, encryption and personal firewalls.

This is a public wireless network. By connecting, you may be exposing yourself to privacy invasion, viruses, or other malicious programs. You are solely responsible for protecting your privacy and equipment from such programs and attacks. Metreon is not liable for damages arising from the public nature of the network.

Super G and Steve F and I were laughing ...who protects us from the minors?