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Language is a Virus (RSS)

Seven Rules for Making a (Science) Movie, or techie blog

Cool NOVA site on "the Ghost Particle". Check out the producer's 7 rules for making a good science movie. Good advice for blogging I think, especially tech blogging. Pretty much just replace "movie" in your head with "blogging" as you read.  
posted by tonyso | 0 Comments
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Wax Tadpoles

It is said that when CocaCola entered the mainland Chinese market, some of the first literal translations of the brandname into Mandarin came out "bite the wax tadpole". Of course, Coke marketing got a grip on the situation pretty quickly. Blogs.technet.com
posted by tonyso | 0 Comments
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On "learning nature"

We crave stories. It is one of the oldest ways we know how to learn. Wanting to learn, that's a different story... I think this post says it well: I'll never forget learning to ride a bike. My older brother's bike, with its long yellow banana seat
posted by tonyso | 0 Comments
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Berate IT

<ironic mode on> Steffen has a blog in German on TechNet. I don't speak German, and online translators I have found are woefully inadequate for technical writing. Interesting tho that his title is "Technologieberater".Online dictionary defs for
posted by tonyso | 2 Comments
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Machine Translation Market Prediction

In the early, post-World War II days of computing, scientists dreamed of creating software so intelligent it could accurately translate one language into another. If computers could crack enemy codes, the thinking went, then why not foreign languages?
posted by tonyso | 0 Comments
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