PlayLouder MSP

Music isn't just on vinyl and cds anymore, dahling - there's a whole new world of songs that don't require you to leave the house or even interact with other people in order to enjoy. Perfect for hermits and the computer-enabled alike.

We've got a couple flavours of digital music for you:

PlayLouder Shop
PlayLouder Shop is THE place to buy legal and licensed MP3s. We've got all the best new releases (and old favourites!) to buy at 99p a track and £7.99 or less for albums. You can listen before you buy, and our smart robot will even give recommendations based on what you already like. Come, fill your iPod to the brim...

PlayLouder Digital Singles
PlayLouder Digital Singles is where you'll find special singles that are only released on the web. This means that, for less than the cost of a cd single, you'll get the song in a digital format, videos, and extras that you won't find anywhere outside the interweb.

Singles Club
The Singles Club brings you an exclusive song from three new artists each month (both to download and to stream, so even the impatient among you can have a listen), as well as cheap entrance into a gig featuring all of the current month's bands.

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