In high school, what was your favorite subject and why?
When I was younger my favourite subject was Math, as it was the one I was best at, but around grade five I was introduced to computers, and my life changed. I began learning all I could about computers, taking every computer class, and where I lacked in talent, I forced myself to push on and learn the best I could. When in College though, my favourite class was my PHP & mySQL course, as it was very hands off. I was one of the few that passed with a decent mark.

What is your favorite thing to do when not blogging?
When I am not blogging either for the Bloggy Network or on my personal site, I listen to music, read, and work on creative writing. I still dabble in coding from time to time, and mess around with graphic editing software, as I know graphics and typography are my biggest weaknesses when it comes to web publishing.

My favourite thing to do though is to write, so when I am not blogging, I am writing short stories, code, or even just lists of things I have to get done.

What is your favorite color?
I can't just pick one, though out of the two I like, I suppose only one is actually a colour. I am a big fan of red and black. Ever since I could remember, red was me, and blue was my brother. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that most of the games, movies, and television shows we watched, that the Red person was the leader, while the blue person came in second. As for black, it was dark, mysterious, and a little bit of a rebel thing. My family allowed me to have a black room in the basement of their house, and that only made it worse. Black walls, black blinds, black carpet and a black light. It was interesting to say the least.

If there was one person, alive or dead, that you could spend a day with, who would it be? Why?
That is a hard question, as there are so many people I would love to meet up with, and given the chance to meet anyone, it become, who would I like to meet first? I will have to pick Jim Carrey. He was born in Ontario, Canada, like me, and he is doing one of the things I had hoped to do when I grow up: be an actor. I think it would be really great to talk to him about his job, movies, and his plans and thoughts on the future, plus I am sure he would just crack me up.

What is your favorite book?
Jennifer Government by Max Barry. It is a satire look at our society, and the madness that is our world. He changes a thing or two, but even with the changes, you see so many echoes of our modern society, it is both entertaining and a little scary, not to mention the actual story-line draws you in, and next thing you know, the book is done. There are plans for it to be made into a movie, and I just can't wait to see how it turns out.

What are your favorite top few sites/blogs?
Well, I can't start my day until I have checked all my feeds in Bloglines. I have to know what the world is up to, both from the popular media sites that publish feeds, and the lesser known personal sites of the people around me, and the ones changing the online world.

After that, I guess I always check out Penny-Arcade, and Ctrl-Alt-Del as they usually give me a morning laugh.

As for blogs, I check out Binary Bonsai,, and Blog Herald.

Quick, say the first word that comes to your head.
Airplane... (What does that say about my personality?)

Anything else about yourself?
I am engaged to be married to my college sweetheart, Sabine, and we own a cat named Flash, and a rat named Oliver. Other than that...nope.