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Replication (RSS)

New SQL 2005 code samples available

I guess now the pressure is off to release the product we'll see more useful samples comming out of corp; here's a link to the latest December update: http://msdn.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/samples/default.aspx  

Upgrading a SQL Replication Topology

Jonathan Allen wrote to me asking what order one should upgrade servers in a replication topology - pointing out that this doesn't seem obviouis from Books On Line, which I agree. The answer is essentially the same as for any previous upgrade: 

Follow up on Replication Columns question in my TechNet SQL 2005 presentation (14/6/05)

Question:  How many columns does SQL Server 2005 allow in a published article (SQL Server 2000 was linited to 254)? Answer: The column limit for transactional replication, I'm informed, is now in excess of 1000.