Boy George sentenced to help sufferers

18 May 2006

  In a recent interview Boy George bleated on about how terrified he was of being forced to do something humiliating and paparazzi-friendly for his community service - litter picking was his greatest fear, apparently, so he must be dead chuffed that all he has to do is stroke some people with AIDS! Did a world of good for that wretched Diana woman, that.

Boy George was convicted for wasting police time last year, after he distracted the valiant officers of the NYPD from their designated donut diviner duties by claiming he was being burgled - when they arrived at the singer's flat, they found a keyboard covered with chang, but George wasn't convicted because the case was full, like a Krispy Kreme, of holes.

Anyway, George issued a brief statement saying he was pretty chuffed with having to go and work in the AIDS hospice, saying "You can choose things so I'm going to work in a hospice which is good."

Make him clean the bedpans - TALK!

03 Nov 2006 Culture Vulture
Boy George's former band slam him for underhand behaviour

15 Aug 2006 Let Sweeping Giants By
Culture Club's George gives vultures the bird

31 Jul 2006 Karma Chameleon
Boy George becomes litter picker for his crimes

28 Jun 2006 Boy Interrupted
Boy George bunks community service

19 Jun 2006 'Club Together
80s legends reform - without Boy George

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