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Writers from New York to California have banded together to launch the proudly irreverent review megasite: It's our goal to provide refreshingly honest writing to the online community as the hipster's eclectic, literate alternative to mainstream commentary.

Our website boasts book, movie, and music reviews from diverse areas of interest. We have writers from all over the country that contribute local flavor while keeping up with a mainstream audience. You'll find Top 40 hits alongside garage bands; box office blockbusters next to foreign exploitation; and novels ranging from classics to the self-published. There are no restrictions. We also present a side column of articles relating to the entertainment industry. These provide commentary on a variety of topics, such as trends within independent music production or comparing horror film directors. is one-stop shopping for material from off the beaten path, but we also strive to have the most up-to-date reviews in mass media. provides top quality content and community interactivity surpassing that of other media review sites on the web. Check out our highly opinionated message boards for sharing and debating ideas. Bring your thick skin, because our staff critics are a vocal (and occasionally volatile) source of information and opinion. not only features media reviews, but also provides links to purchase even the hardest to find books, movies, and music, from mainstream to back alley productions. It will even help you find the likes of Cannibal Holocaust and The Dismemberment Plan.

Our wealth of talented writers comes from a variety of backgrounds, tastes, and ages with one thing in common - the desire to inform and entertain people with common interest. is the avenue for uncensored views from media mavericks. If you don't like it, go back to whatever circle of hell you came from.

John Nesbit

   •John Nesbit

   •Beth Allen

Database Administrator:
   •Kevin Buffington

General Manager:
   •Rachel Gordon

Head of Marketing:

Marketing Assistant:
   •Travis Lowell

Movies Editor:
   •Mike Bracken

Music Editor:
   •Tony Pellum

Books Editor:
   •Dan Callahan

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