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•  D-Day the Sixth of June directed by Henry Koster

Not Quite a Bomb, But...
If this movie is to be believed, only saints served in either the British or American armies; no hint of sin is permitted here.
•  Daddy Day Care directed by Steve Carr

Wading around in the kiddie pool
Eddie Murphy continues to piss away God given talent in Daddy Day Care.
•  Dahmer directed by David Jacobson

Dahmer: A very human monster
A fine cast and a thoughtful script elevate Dahmer above the standard serial killer fare.
•  Dahmer: The Mind Is A Place Of Its Own directed by David Jacobson

Inside a Troubled Mind
Against every imaginable serial killer stereotype, David Jacobson creates a compelling hypothesis of the workings of the mind of the notorious criminal.
•  Dame sobh (Day Break) directed by Hamid Rahmanian

Capital Punishment in Iran
Effectively explores the nature of retribution and forgiveness in Iranian society while taking us inside the mind of a condemned man.
•  Dance, Girl, Dance directed by Dorothy Arzner

Working Girls
Dorothy Arzner's best film, Dance, Girl, Dance, spotlights women's inner worlds.
•  Dancer in the Dark directed by Lars von Trier

Lars von Trier's Washington State
Björk stars in this recap of Breaking the Waves, only this time its Lars von Trier in the role of God.
•  Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The directed by Peter Care

Adventures in Adolescent Imagination
Notwithstanding current events that might overshadow an otherwise perfect title, Altar Boys is a naturally entertaining portrayal of youthful experimentation.
•  Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The directed by Peter Care

Teen Fantasy Meets William Blake
Any coming of age film that incorporates William Blake effectively deserves to be checked out.
•  Dangerous Moves (La Diagonale du fou) directed by Richard Denbo

Leftover from the Cold War
Of historic value for its Cold War mentality and of moderate interest to chess players, this Swiss film plays ponderously slow for most audiences.
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Action Anime / Animation
Asian Action Comedy
Cult Documentary
Drama Exploitation
Foreign Gay / Lesbian
Horror Kids
Musicals Science Fiction / Fantasy
Silents Thriller
War Western

John NesbitRachel Gordon
Travis LowellMike Bracken
Tony PellumBrandon Curtis
Dainon MoodyDan Callahan
David AbramsJeremiah Kipp
Keith UhlichLee Chase IV
Daniel BrineyAndrew Hicks
Tiffany SanchezLucas Stensland
Chris Barsanti

   • States of Control
   • Andrew Jenks, Room 335
   • Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
   • Real Dirt on Farmer John, The
   • Up for Grabs
   • Peindre Ou Faire L'Amour (To Paint or Make Love)
   • Card Player, The

   • Hard Candy
   • Water
   • Lonesome Jim
   • Don't Come Knocking
   • United 93
   • Clean

   • States of Control
   • Dame sobh (Day Break)
   • Shatranj Ke Khilari (The Chess Players)
   • Exils (Exiles)
   • Amantes del Círculo Polar, Los
   • Batman Returns

   • Doa al karawan (The Nightingale's Prayer)
   • Earth
   • Fire
   • Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight
   • Pratidwandi (Adversary, The)
   • Wolves of Wall Street

   •Summer's big bang (whimper)
   •Lee Picks The Best (And Worst) of 2005
   •The Jewish/Palestinian Question: Cinema That Seeks Broader Strokes
   •2005: 10 Best Films of the Year
   •Best Movies of 2005
   •Dead Again, or A New Dawn for George A. Romero: An Interview With Author Tony Williams
   •Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Entertainment President
   •My Evening With Bruce
   •2005 Los Angeles International Short Film Festival

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